
The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
What will it take. Geeez people, Get rid of these Gun Free Zones. These killers are cowards and are not going down to the police station to do these things. Time and Time again Gun Free Zones.

I agree, lets ARM all UPSers in the hubs while on duty. That will solve alot of problems in the operation.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Finally you're making some sense.

I say, let everyone at UPS carry a weapon. Let the games begin! Lets turn UPS hubs into postal centers. With all the disgruntled employees UPS creates everyday, every week, every month, every year, I am sure some managers would face the wrath of their own creation!


Let the campaign begin!



I say, let everyone at UPS carry a weapon. Let the games begin! Lets turn UPS hubs into postal centers. With all the disgruntled employees UPS creates everyday, every week, every month, every year, I am sure some managers would face the wrath of their own creation!


Let the campaign begin!

Hello is that you Shannon Watts?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Carrying a firearm is a responsibility. With your response I see you would not be able to handle the responsibility.

I never said "I" wanted to carry a gun, just the nutballs around me. There are plenty of them with guns already, why not allow them to carry inside a UPS facility since you all are proposing to end "no gun zone areas", lets start with where YOU work.

Hmm, all of a sudden, it grows quiet.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Finally, JUSTICE for two unarmed teens. LIFE in prison (where he belongs) for premeditated murder.

Dirtbags with guns believe they can shoot anyone for anything.

I for one, am finally glad to see justice prevail and this old fart with guns placed into a correctional facility for the rest of his life. I hope he gets a beating everyday until he finally dies of a heart attack.

No guns in prison to help him then.



Pees in the brown Koolaid
I say, let everyone at UPS carry a weapon. Let the games begin! Lets turn UPS hubs into postal centers. With all the disgruntled employees UPS creates everyday, every week, every month, every year, I am sure some managers would face the wrath of their own creation!


Let the campaign begin!


We do NOT need armed, trained, law-abiding, licensed employees to protect us from lunatics in the workplace.

What we to make the "no weapons allowed" signs on the doors BIGGER and painted with brighter colors in order to force would-be mass murderers with assault weapons to turn around and go home.
What we for our Safety Committee to protect us by having us recite the Five Keys To Stopping An Armed Lunatic With Your Bare Hands and the Ten Point Murder Prevention Commentary while we do our stretches at the morning PCM. We need acronyms. We need word games. We need someone to color some posters and hang them on the wall showing us where in the building to assemble if a lunatic is wandering around and shooting people.

We should NOT have trained and licensed people with guns protecting us from armed lunatics in the workplace because guns are dangerous and scary and icky and someone might get hurt by one.


The Nim
We should poll all people who entered a "gun free zone" and committed an act of violence with a firearm if they'd have reconsidered doing it if they knew it wasn't a "gun free zone" and someone else may have a firearm to confront them with.

I expect the answer to be highly along the lines of "I wouldn't do it there."


golden ticket member

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
We do NOT need armed, trained, law-abiding, licensed employees to protect us from lunatics in the workplace.

What we to make the "no weapons allowed" signs on the doors BIGGER and painted with brighter colors in order to force would-be mass murderers with assault weapons to turn around and go home.
What we for our Safety Committee to protect us by having us recite the Five Keys To Stopping An Armed Lunatic With Your Bare Hands and the Ten Point Murder Prevention Commentary while we do our stretches at the morning PCM. We need acronyms. We need word games. We need someone to color some posters and hang them on the wall showing us where in the building to assemble if a lunatic is wandering around and shooting people.

We should NOT have trained and licensed people with guns protecting us from armed lunatics in the workplace because guns are dangerous and scary and icky and someone might get hurt by one.

Like I said. ARM everyone at UPS who wants to bring a gun to work. Let the training and licensing do the talking for itself. Lets start with your hub.

Arm ALL the disgruntled workers with semi automatics pistols with as many clips as they can carry. Let UPS treat their employees like crap and then watch what happens with those guns.

I say, if you promote guns, then your place of work should be armed to the teeth.

Just make sure there are plenty of body bags afterwards.



Well-Known Member
Like I said. ARM everyone at UPS who wants to bring a gun to work. Let the training and licensing do the talking for itself. Lets start with your hub.

Arm ALL the disgruntled workers with semi automatics pistols with as many clips as they can carry. Let UPS treat their employees like crap and then watch what happens with those guns.

I say, if you promote guns, then your place of work should be armed to the teeth.

Just make sure there are plenty of body bags afterwards.

Your theories are so ridiculous it makes me laugh. Arm everyone like you say including the disgruntled. So if in theory 200 employees are armed and out of them 1 is disgruntled. How do you think that would work out for said lunatic disgruntled employee? Not well I'd imagine. My guess is they would be taken out loooong before they could kill anyone let alone themselves. Start with my hub? I would welcome it.


nowhere special
Your theories are so ridiculous it makes me laugh. Arm everyone like you say including the disgruntled. So if in theory 200 employees are armed and out of them 1 is disgruntled. How do you think that would work out for said lunatic disgruntled employee? Not well I'd imagine. My guess is they would be taken out loooong before they could kill anyone let alone themselves. Start with my hub? I would welcome it.

What are the odds of the 1 being TOS vs the other 199?


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Like I said. ARM everyone at UPS who wants to bring a gun to work. Let the training and licensing do the talking for itself. Lets start with your hub.

Arm ALL the disgruntled workers with semi automatics pistols with as many clips as they can carry. Let UPS treat their employees like crap and then watch what happens with those guns.

I say, if you promote guns, then your place of work should be armed to the teeth.

Just make sure there are plenty of body bags afterwards.


Not that you would ever let facts override emotion, but you should do some research and look up the violent crime rate among people who are licensed to carry concealed weapons.

In my state for example, 1 out of every 15 people currently holds a valid Concealed Handgun License. Would you care to take a guess at how many murders have been committed in the last 25 years by people who hold Oregon Concealed Handgun Licenses? The answer...ZERO. We are talking about a group of several hundred thousand gun owners, over a period of a quarter century, and there have been ZERO murders committed by this group. So TOS...I'm glad you and I agree on "letting the training and licensing do the talking" and I am glad you have finally accepted the fact that trained, licensed, law-abiding gun owners are part of the SOLUTION to the problem of mass shootings in "gun free" zones. Way to go, TOS, you have finally seen the light!


I never said "I" wanted to carry a gun, just the nutballs around me. There are plenty of them with guns already, why not allow them to carry inside a UPS facility since you all are proposing to end "no gun zone areas", lets start with where YOU work.

Hmm, all of a sudden, it grows quiet.

I vote yes. For my hub to be pro gun. Really does not scare me at all. What scares me is the fact that I can not defend myself in the event of a active shooter. Amazing how people think if everyone has guns people will just start shooting everyone.