

Its all good.
I agree, lets ARM all UPSers in the hubs while on duty. That will solve alot of problems in the operation.

If more people are armed, then these disturbed people may think twice before hurting others. Or at least the armed people will stop the killing sooner.

Kmart sux. So does Walmart. And Orion.


Its all good.
Like I said. ARM everyone at UPS who wants to bring a gun to work. Let the training and licensing do the talking for itself. Lets start with your hub.

Arm ALL the disgruntled workers with semi automatics pistols with as many clips as they can carry. Let UPS treat their employees like crap and then watch what happens with those guns.

I say, if you promote guns, then your place of work should be armed to the teeth.

Just make sure there are plenty of body bags afterwards.

You may find the results quite surprising.

Kmart sux. So does Walmart. And Orion.


golden ticket member


Pees in the brown Koolaid
The point I was trying to make is about gun culture, not FedEx rules.
If by "gun culture" you mean a Hollywood entertainment machine that churns out an endless stream of hyper-violent movies full of people getting blown away by guns....or a rap music genre that glorifies gun violence and the killing of cops...I might be in agreement with you. Unfortunately, most liberals want to conveniently ignore all that and instead pile all the blame onto people like myself who are guilty of nothing except believing in the 2nd Amendment and teaching our kids how to hunt and use guns in a legal, safe and responsible manner.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I could say the same about every one of your posts.

Any comment on the kid today who was brought up in a 'gun culture'?
It wouldnt surprise me one bit to find out that the kid's dad had never taken him hunting or camping or target practicing in his life.

I'd be willing to bet that kid spent most of his childhood parked in front of a TV set or an Internet monitor watching violent movies and playing violent video games.

He wasnt part of a "gun" culture he was part of an emotionally vacant "violence" culture and in the end the gun he used was just a tool.


nowhere special
It wouldnt surprise me one bit to find out that the kid's dad had never taken him hunting or camping or target practicing in his life.

I'd be willing to bet that kid spent most of his childhood parked in front of a TV set or an Internet monitor watching violent movies and playing violent video games.

He wasnt part of a "gun" culture he was part of an emotionally vacant "violence" culture and in the end the gun he used was just a tool.
Hollywood can be so ignorant about guns. I was watching a movie today and everyone was just blazing away the whole movie. All I could think of was its like a video game with infinite ammo. Never once did I see anyone reload. and a squad trapped behind enemy lines like in the movie would have been running on empty the first 10 minutes of the movie. And they blazed away like that for almost 2 hours.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
It wouldnt surprise me one bit to find out that the kid's dad had never taken him hunting or camping or target practicing in his life.

I'd be willing to bet that kid spent most of his childhood parked in front of a TV set or an Internet monitor watching violent movies and playing violent video games.

He wasnt part of a "gun" culture he was part of an emotionally vacant "violence" culture and in the end the gun he used was just a tool.

Actually, that is completely wrong.



Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
If that is the guy who shot up the fed ex building, he is nuts. A co-worker complained that he kept shining his laser pointer at her eyes. Who does that?

Sometimes parents, who have good intentions, just don't recognize this fact about their own children. Human nature I guess.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
That is the nice kid who hunted and lived in a rural MN community who had parents that taught him to hunt and shoot and who planned to kill as many people as he could but was caught first.

The problem with the gun culture is that we let crazy people have guns. The problem with our culture is we don't give crazy people the treatment they need.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Actually, that is completely wrong.

Okay, you got me there, but I still stand by my original point; people in the 1950's werent shooting up schools or malls or workplaces even though guns were far more available with far fewer restrictions. The difference has nothing to do with guns and everything to do with a society that glorifies gun violence in movies, in music and in video games.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Okay, you got me there, but I still stand by my original point; people in the 1950's werent shooting up schools or malls or workplaces even though guns were far more available with far fewer restrictions. The difference has nothing to do with guns and everything to do with a society that glorifies gun violence in movies, in music and in video games.
I didn't 'get you'. My above post, which was in the queue when you posted, is a better explanation.

There have always been crazy people, but back when we were kids, they weren't on the street.

Thank Reagan for that.


Staff member
It wouldnt surprise me one bit to find out that the kid's dad had never taken him hunting or camping or target practicing in his life.

I'd be willing to bet that kid spent most of his childhood parked in front of a TV set or an Internet monitor watching violent movies and playing violent video games.

He wasnt part of a "gun" culture he was part of an emotionally vacant "violence" culture and in the end the gun he used was just a tool.
And if we start tracking peoples' movement around the internet, start monitoring what video is going into peoples' homes, we should be able to focus on "mental health" because we'll be able to data mine for potential criminal behavior before it happens.... Really, I thought "Minority Report" was sci-fi. Maybe not so much.