Has Obama Just Insured A 2nd Term?


golden ticket member
MoveOn.org Says It’s In Big-Time Money Trouble, Will Go Belly-Up Unless It Raises $400K By End Of The Month…

Soros will never let them go under.
Via Washington Whispers:
“Imagine if MoveOn disappeared?” That’s the warning in a shocking new E-mail from the left-leaning organizing group that has done so much since 1998 to elect Democratic candidates like President Obama.

Executive Director Justin Ruben suggests that the activist group could go belly-up if supporters don’t raise $400,000, and fast.

“Imagine if MoveOn disappeared and the work so many people do through MoveOn stopped happening altogether. Not to get technical, but it would be bad. To avoid that — to keep MoveOn going and growing — costs money, even though we keep our staff small and work from home to keep overhead low. Right now, to make ends meet, we need to raise $400,000 by the end of the year,” writes Ruben.

Even a shrunken MoveOn would be a blow to Democrats in the upcoming 2012 elections


Strength through joy
anyone notice that bhos isn't out campaigning for/with other Dems running for office.
his whole campaign mode is centered on himself.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
If I was a Dem. candidate, I would consider him the "kiss of death" to my campaign.

You obviously mean LIKE GEORGE BUSH, right?

NOT A SINGLE REPUBLICAN is mumbling his name, record, values, world views or policies. Its sad that the republicans have to go back to Reagan to try and find something positive to say about the GOP.

Sorry More, look for 4 more years!



Strength through joy


golden ticket member
Oprah praises and endorses Obama today ! (once again) .
She supports him NOT ENDORSES him....you just made that up!! Her show tanked when she endorsed him last time.

"Oprah Winfrey tells CNN she still supports President Obama, however she will not do a large endorsement event like she did during the 2008 campaign cycle."

Oprah: “I’m A 100% Supporter” of Obama So I Don’t Need To Do A Public Endorsement This Election…

Don't bother applying as a news reporter anywhere!


Well-Known Member
Sounds like an endorsement to me:

“No, I don’t think it’s necessary because my endorsement is that I am a 100% supporter of him. And if he or his office called me tomorrow and said that they needed me I would do whatever I thought would be of service,” she said.