
Well-Known Member
That's funny they don't want hall but they aren't running anyone against him.....I guess they think he's doing a good job or they are waiting for some new hires to make book
Who said they "aren't running anyone" against Hall?? Oh, the Hoffa/Hall water carriers on this forum. Well, let me tell you this campaign has just begun. Certain positions are being held open at this point for a reason. Certain names are being discussed. And believe me the name hall is not one of them.


Well-Known Member
So what would the amendment be? 12/6 is there for a reason. What if a rogue local flat out decided nothing was good enough?
Should then national contracts not be allowed?
Rogue again? Really? This is America and we are supposed to have voting rights!! Strap a set on next time and join the fight with your brothers instead of needing that lousy retro check!


Well-Known Member
Who said they "aren't running anyone" against Hall?? Oh, the Hoffa/Hall water carriers on this forum. Well, let me tell you this campaign has just begun. Certain positions are being held open at this point for a reason. Certain names are being discussed. And believe me the name hall is not one of them.
And one of the people they wanted in the spot told them no. See some of us actually know what's going on. Others just say things on the internet to make it sound good.


Well-Known Member
Who said they "aren't running anyone" against Hall?? Oh, the Hoffa/Hall water carriers on this forum. Well, let me tell you this campaign has just begun. Certain positions are being held open at this point for a reason. Certain names are being discussed. And believe me the name hall is not one of them.
I read the leaflet with the bios they didn't have a ST.......that's a pretty big position not to have filled.......804brown why didn't they fill that position with the rest of the slate? That doesn't make sense fill a whole slate except ST

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
Aren't you the one who was cheerleading Hoffa to impose this contract on those 3 locals, just so you could get your retro and raise just a little bit sooner?

Now here you are belittling someone else for having to spend A LOT of their own money BECAUSE of our lousy contract that Hoffa IMPOSED.

You are a piece of work. (I was going to use another word instead of work, but the mods would never let it fly)
You are the least liked person here. Your opinion is garbage. You act like there was ever going to be a satisfactory proposal. This "plan" was in the works long ago.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
You are the least liked person here. Your opinion is garbage. You act like there was ever going to be a satisfactory proposal. This "plan" was in the works long ago.
Coming from the number 1 Hoffa cheerleader, I take that as a huge accomplishment.

Thank you.

10 point

Well-Known Member
Fred was on board and supported the Hoffa administration (he was also anti TDU) until he was taken off as the National Carhaul Director then he decided Hoffa wasn't any good. Look at when Fred was taken off as Director and when he decided to run last time. This is personal with him that's all. When he gets beat he will ride off into the sunset just like the other Fred did last election.
Fred didn't vote.
THOUSANDS of his local members did...
on the issues we voted on not political issues.
That's my point.


Well-Known Member
Fred didn't vote.
THOUSANDS of his local members did...
on the issues we voted on not political issues.
That's my point.
I agree he didn't vote. I disagree about the political comment. He used his influence as P.O. of his local to explain or no explain the contract and make a recommendation.

He could have voiced his position at the 2 person meeting. He decided not to.

Now he stood up for his members. It was all political and it's a joke.

I can not say I agree with everything Hoffa has done because that would not be true but what I can say is Hoffa/Hall in my opinion are way above any other group out there.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
If so it'll be less than the forced insurance deduct.
Childish posts and speculation is all you have?
That's all they have.

And that isn't much at all to try and win an election with.

I wonder if Hoffa/Hall/Obrien will go negative in their Teamster magazine ads.

What other choice do they got?