how do you all deal with sore knees...


Nine Lives
I bought a knee strap for $10 and it has worked better than all the drugs, and inserts I have ever tried. The strap holds the kneecap in place not allowing it to move around. Here is what I got: It was the best $10 I spent. Usually I wait to put it on until I feel an ache starting. Then once on, it only takes about an hour and I can take it off again with no pain.

Thanks ... been looking for those.


I think you misread my post. I realize that foot problems can lead to knee and back pain, but I think it's best to get confirmation from a podiatrist that that is in fact what is occurring, because it could be something else entirely.

I may very well have. My apologies. :peaceful:
To whom it my concern,(JONES). I do take of myself, I go to the gym before work every morning. Perhaps it is arthritis or tendinitis, also my weight is not an issue. Maybe the aches and pains are part of the job, not a big deal. I've being delivering for 20+, it's ok to have pain.


I bought some orthotic inserts from Target yesterday (Smart Sense) and will try them today. I did try them briefly last night around the house and noticed a big difference. I tend to walk on the sides of my feet and have knee and lower leg discomfort so hopefully these will help to correct my stride and ease my discomfort.

Dave, if you want to know for sure if you have the right insert (especially if you are buying OTC) you really should have foot mapping done. This will tell you where your pressure points are and which orthotic will best relieve the pressure.

The link is for a point of reference. Dr Scholls is one of the more common.