Im not saying that fedex doesnt have an advantage. Im saying that volume is up, ups is making more than EVER. Express fedex make a good wage, flight benifits, good healthcare, PENSION. The ground guys are suing fedex...who knows whats going to happen but they know that their getting the long is it going to take for the rest of them to get fed up. Ups has been saying that they are going out of business....for how long. Dude, the volume is going through the roof, in my bldg and in most in the country. Havent you geen that we are taking more volume off trains and putting it on the road. Im not sure why management continues to tell us that we are one day away from going bankrupt. And its even worst when drivers etc believe it. Im not saying that theres no competition, I know it is and comming on strong but you need to get things in perspective. We deliver more than fedex and dhl combined. There are really only 4 companies competing in small package delivery. And now we are getting into heavy freight, air and pallet, supply chain, ups capital, etc, etc. I think ups wants to rule with a fear tactic. They need to start being proactive and working with ALL employees and everything will work out. I always wonder if ups and its employees could work as a single unit, the competition wouldnt stand a chance. If you still work for ups you, and everyone else needs to realize that the days of 14 hours of work are OVER. Last point...this company can be productive, and make lots of money with working drivers under 10 hours...its true sendagain, youve just been brainwashed by mgt for too long. If you want the hours, great, if not you shouldnt have to work them. Hey on a side note, in this district they have been cutting peoples hours, especially ones making 90, 100k a what does that tell you.And yes my district is hiring drivers to cover the excess.