How's the view???........


Retired 22 years
Roofing is a young mans game. Especially if you have a steep pitch to your roof. It was the only part of building a new house 7 years ago that I hated. A human ankle is not made to be walked on at a slant for hours on end.

Roofing - YouTube



Bad Moon Risen'
Hold out for a nice hail storm. Had one pass through this area about 5 years ago with golfball sized hail. Got a new roof and gutters care of my homeowners insurance. Should last another 25 years before I have to worry about climbing up onto the roof again!


bella amicizia
Not to point fingers, but the tractor trailer drivers from up north don't seem to have any clue what a thing close to being safe means. Could be just I-81, but who knows.


bella amicizia
Lol, and watch out for those Canadian pilots too.

I always giggle when he says stuff about Canadians. He's so close to it, and get his power from those freaking £€<*}¥~€~%<^%£>*<€}>{#]^{€~<}%|^]*]€|€~> jerks from Quebec. Most of the one's born there say 'eh?' more than people from the other side of the line. They might as well be Canadians.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Thank goodness one of the things we don't have to dodge at our barn is package cars. All the rest is bad enough.

I am not sure that a lot of UPSers know how truly big CACH is. Where most other hub operations have 1 manager running everything, each hub sort has a division manager running it. Every operation within the hub operation is run by a manager such as small sort, outbound, inbound, etc. When I was there the shifters numbered about 90 - bigger than a lot of package centers. CACH is a district unto itself (unless things changed during the reorganization). The small sort alone takes up an area larger than most hubs!

It is a unique place to work!
I am not sure that a lot of UPSers know how truly big CACH is. Where most other hub operations have 1 manager running everything, each hub sort has a division manager running it. Every operation within the hub operation is run by a manager such as small sort, outbound, inbound, etc. When I was there the shifters numbered about 90 - bigger than a lot of package centers. CACH is a district unto itself (unless things changed during the reorganization). The small sort alone takes up an area larger than most hubs!

It is a unique place to work!

1.5 million sqf floor space and another 300k sqf in the mezzanine.

I've been here since 96. When were you here and what operation did you have?

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I never worked there. I went to Hub Manager school in 2000 and they brought us to CACH for a tour. It took us about 4 hours to tour the entire facility. I highly recommend going on a tour of the facility. CACH has had to be innovative in every aspect of the business. CACH is unique. World Port is probably the only other hub that comes close to being technologically advanced and innovative. I won't go through my UPS history but I really appreciate innovation.


Retired 22 years
1.5 million sqf floor space and another 300k sqf in the mezzanine.

I've been here since 96. When were you here and what operation did you have?

1.8 million square feet? Damn- my old center was about 5,000 sq.ft. and it was a total cluster ---- most of the time. I can't imagine how there can be any rhime or reason to a 1.8 million sq.ft. building. I guess if nothing else it would be easy to find a hiding place in.


bella amicizia
Mine has like 15 garage doors on it. Including feeder doors. Total cluster, after my favorite OMS abandoned us for another center in the district down in wine country.