Hurt on the job today


Browncafe Steward
Find a comp attorney now. Sounds like they might be preparing to fight you. Better to have someone standing by then trying to play catch up. Just my 2cents. Hope you feel better good luck.:peaceful:
After the way it was handled last night i contacted an attorney who is friends of the local and i now have him representing me. From my understanding the sup called in to liberty mutual last night while i was at the clinic on my behalf. He showed up at the clinic and requested my statement in writing and i handed him the attorneys name and number.

All of this because ups wanted to save a buck here and there, now they will have to spend on my medical, therapy and pay me to sit in an office while all i want to do is go out and deliver the packages. I wonder what will cost more in the long run?

Bad Gas!

Well-Known Member
Almost everybody here has almost slipped on an oily floor or almost been clipped by an irregg train.It's just a matter of time.Sorry it was you.....I hope the x-rays are negative and no interior damage..If it's just a bruise it should heal before hard feelings..

This is just another case of company abusive behavior on treaing injuries.It's not right and needs to be addressed...The company should be more professional about it.We, if injuried, suffer enough financially, physically and mentally without harashment..


Well-Known Member
Almost everybody here has almost slipped on an oily floor or almost been clipped by an irregg train.It's just a matter of time.Sorry it was you.....I hope the x-rays are negative and no interior damage..If it's just a bruise it should heal before hard feelings..

This is just another case of company abusive behavior on treaing injuries.It's not right and needs to be addressed...The company should be more professional about it.We, if injuried, suffer enough financially, physically and mentally without harashment..

They hurt worse.... They have to think up some TAWs.


If he had any brains Over, he didn't say anything. But we all know how sups are, they majority of the time the more rope you give them the more often they hang themselves.

Go get em Red! Sure hope you are feelin' better soon.


Well-Known Member
It was documented that i was wearing improper footwear, i personally do not call $130 danner military boots improper but what do i know I'm just a stupid truck driver.

Wait a minute don't those have non slip soles? Very comfortable boots BTW.


Staff member
I know you filed grievances, Red, but I still think you should call the 800 number. Some sups are proud of the grievances made on them.
Remember, this guy also insinuated that you lied about falling.

Also, you said a feeder sup saw you fall. Did he back up your story, or have you asked him to?

brother in brown

Active Member
Im sure every site has they're own accident procedure. My hub sup drove me personally to the e.r. but I was standing before everyone bleeding out of my crushed hand. Anyway, not sure if it was the next day or the one after as I was higher than a kit on pain killers. The head guy in the office, the one that everyone is suppose to fear when they're on ups time (lets face it were on our time when we walk out the door) but they went through the injury report about the weather conditions and all that crap, they wanted me to sign it, so I took my time reading through the whole thing and said I would not sign it until they changed the wrongs to rights and initial the changed parts, also asked for a copy. Maybe it is procedure but when I was reading over my copy, somewhere on there it reads to destroy this after inputting on some system. Anyway im sure this is not any help, but good luck if you have to be in it for the long haul.

brother in brown

Active Member
Sorry I am on pain meds and kinda go in and outta it sometimes. I hope you got a copy of anything related to your accident and of course any papers you had to sign. Do the same with every doctor you see and carry this with you. Sometimes they will tell you one thing and in the report they make another will come out different and you can address that when you get the doctors notes or injury report. Hope your better sooner than later, but if it's later and gets complicated you will thank yourself if your prepared with all documentation for along the way of recovery.

driver 12

New Member
Hey Red, why do you continue to lie about really happened with you and the supervisor in question? If all these people who have responded to you knew what kind of person you really are, they would be embarrassed to have you as a representative of the union. It seems you keep forgetting that if UPS is so bad and unfair, you have the option to get another job. I have driven for this company for over 13 years and I have seen union stewards like you. What I mean is, it appears all you have is a personal problem with being told do something. You have a problem with authority and now you are using your position to get support for your cause. The supervisor you are questioning is not trying to hide an injury, he just knows what kind of work ethic you have and how you have claimed so many injuries in the past. He has every right ask you what happened. I have never responded on this site before. But enough is enough. Stop with the lying. I am embarrassed to have you as a fellow driver and union steward.


Staff member
Hey Red, why do you continue to lie about really happened with you and the supervisor in question? If all these people who have responded to you knew what kind of person you really are, they would be embarrassed to have you as a representative of the union. It seems you keep forgetting that if UPS is so bad and unfair, you have the option to get another job. I have driven for this company for over 13 years and I have seen union stewards like you. What I mean is, it appears all you have is a personal problem with being told do something. You have a problem with authority and now you are using your position to get support for your cause. The supervisor you are questioning is not trying to hide an injury, he just knows what kind of work ethic you have and how you have claimed so many injuries in the past. He has every right ask you what happened. I have never responded on this site before. But enough is enough. Stop with the lying. I am embarrassed to have you as a fellow driver and union steward.

I'm guessing you're the Sup?


Well-Known Member
Hey Red, why do you continue to lie about really happened with you and the supervisor in question? If all these people who have responded to you knew what kind of person you really are, they would be embarrassed to have you as a representative of the union. It seems you keep forgetting that if UPS is so bad and unfair, you have the option to get another job. I have driven for this company for over 13 years and I have seen union stewards like you. What I mean is, it appears all you have is a personal problem with being told do something. You have a problem with authority and now you are using your position to get support for your cause. The supervisor you are questioning is not trying to hide an injury, he just knows what kind of work ethic you have and how you have claimed so many injuries in the past. He has every right ask you what happened. I have never responded on this site before. But enough is enough. Stop with the lying. I am embarrassed to have you as a fellow driver and union steward.


Staff member
Gee Driver 12, I guess you know Red?

I just hope you're man enough to tell him who you are. But I bet you're brave just as long as you're also anonymous.

I'm right, aren't I.

Bad Gas!

Well-Known Member
Driver 12...that is a hell of a first post.As far as I'm concerned, a 13 year driver such as yourself with your imposing ego, is just a rookie punk...Once you get in 20-25 years, you will see that being a brown-noser gets a cup of coffee for 84 cents at Quick Trip-if you bing your own cup...UPS is a great company to work for, and we are all thankful for our jobs, but eventually they will screw you too as well young man when you make a mistake...and we all make mistakes...and your words will come to roost...nuff said!


Well-Known Member
Hey Red, why do you continue to lie about really happened with you and the supervisor in question? If all these people who have responded to you knew what kind of person you really are, they would be embarrassed to have you as a representative of the union. It seems you keep forgetting that if UPS is so bad and unfair, you have the option to get another job. I have driven for this company for over 13 years and I have seen union stewards like you. What I mean is, it appears all you have is a personal problem with being told do something. You have a problem with authority and now you are using your position to get support for your cause. The supervisor you are questioning is not trying to hide an injury, he just knows what kind of work ethic you have and how you have claimed so many injuries in the past. He has every right ask you what happened. I have never responded on this site before. But enough is enough. Stop with the lying. I am embarrassed to have you as a fellow driver and union steward.

It's amazing how knowing you are an anonymous person on an Internet forum gives you the testicular fortitude to post this. I don't know Red (or anyone else here for that matter) personally but have formed an opinion of him based upon his posts and this opinion differs greatly from that which you have offered. It is obvious that he is an avid supporter of the Union, which is something that I have never been accused of, but I also think that he takes pride in his work and provides his customers with the high level of customer service that they have come to expect from him.

I wonder if you would say the same if he were standing in front of you.


Well-Known Member
Hey Red, why do you continue to lie about really happened with you and the supervisor in question? If all these people who have responded to you knew what kind of person you really are, they would be embarrassed to have you as a representative of the union. It seems you keep forgetting that if UPS is so bad and unfair, you have the option to get another job. I have driven for this company for over 13 years and I have seen union stewards like you. What I mean is, it appears all you have is a personal problem with being told do something. You have a problem with authority and now you are using your position to get support for your cause. The supervisor you are questioning is not trying to hide an injury, he just knows what kind of work ethic you have and how you have claimed so many injuries in the past. He has every right ask you what happened. I have never responded on this site before. But enough is enough. Stop with the lying. I am embarrassed to have you as a fellow driver and union steward.

you dont know what u are talking about were u there when this happened. i am very embarrassed to have u as a fellow driver and very very happy 2 have red as an fellow brother teamster


Well-Known Member
This evening when i returned to the building, i did my usual, get gas wash the truck pull clerk work emptied my garbage can. i than parked my truck in the correct bay and unloaded my smalls in totes, grabbed my jacket and proceeded to walk from my truck to the center.

Well this is were it goes wrong, the floor is wet from all the washed trucks pulling in. Walking like i do every other night and than BAM i slipped on some oil and few into the air landing on my left hip and wrist. Stunned for a few seconds i attempted to get up and kept sliding, 5 drivers and a feeder sup saw me, and the sup came over and asked me if i was OK. I told him i believe so just a little more embarrassed than anything. He told me i should walk on the grating in the middle of the aisle because its safer. I do not see how walking on wet metal is safer?

I go into my center and the on car sup is on his cell phone, i interrupt him and tell him there is an oil spill and someone else could get hurt, he puts his hand up as to say safety can wait I'm on the phone right now.

I'm finishing my turn in and the other drivers are asking me if I'm OK, the sup than gets off of his phone about 10 Min's later and starts to talk to a driver about doing some safety assessment questions on the computer. I asked him if he could please address the oil spill i tiold him about 10 Min's ago, he than sets up the computer for the driver to to take the test.

I grab my left wrist and i have a large bump on it and its getting painful and swollen. I told this on car sup that i hurt my wrist in the fall, he than walks me out to the aisle about 15 minutes later now and starts sliding his feet in the water. He looks at me and says its not slippery here how did you fall, i told him because of the oil. Of course he Deny's any oil being there, that's OK we have 8 or 9 drivers that witnessed the oil including another steward.

I ask for medical treatment he than pulls me in the office and is pushing the door closed on other drivers. He than goes into you know we really cant have an injury, peak is here we need you to work! In shock i said i didn't ask to fall and get hurt but it is what it is and i would like to get medical attention.

He has called the manager 3 or 4 times now with no answer from him, and finally i said please lets call it in to liberty mutual so i can be seen by a doctor. He wanted to fill out an accident investigation sheet first, now this is 30 minutes after i requested medical, i asked him to get somebody from management down here that could make a decision because it was obvious he couldn't. i than walked into the main office were the drivers that saw the slip were waiting for me to see how i was.

They all say send him to the clinic what are you waiting for, so he than says come back into my office, i requested my partner steward to sit in as a witness. Now we are going back and forth again for another 20 plus minutes (About 50 minutes at this point) and he wouldn't allow me to call it in and wanted me to fill out paperwork before getting medical.

I had had enough, i stood up and told him i was going to the emergency room and i walked out of the office. as I'm getting into my car my manager who was tied up called me and wanted me to ride with this same sup to the clinic, i denied. I agree to go to the clinic as long as another sup drove me or i could drive myself, so i drove.

Now everyone on here knows that i am a steward and even this sup knows i am a steward and if he tried to pull this scam of intimidating me into not reporting my injury how many others has he done this to?

I believe this sup was way out of line and obviously was only worried about the injury quota! I'm a human being that has rights as an American and i refuse to allow you to treat me as a number or a piece of meat!

He should be stripped of his title and sent to india to monitor a call center!

i hope u were on the clock the whole time they made u wait to report the injury


Browncafe Steward
What did he say to that?

At this point in must the manager had told him how upset i was in his handling and he had no response at all.

705red: What do they have you doing on TAW?

They have me coming in 1t 945 am after everyone leaves and sitting in the corner office away from everyone. I must wear my browns and and complete 20 safety assessments on the computer.

Hey Red, why do you continue to lie about really happened with you and the supervisor in question?

Your obviously the sup in question and are now concerned with your future employment! Well you should be, remember the 3 drivers you pushed out of the office and closed the door on them as you were begging me not to report it? They do!

Do you remember when i walked out of the office and asked you to get someone that was qualified to make a decision to replace you? Do you remember the drivers telling you to get me medical in the office when you came looking for me? Do you remember when the other steward was in the room and you were on the phone with the manager and you still wouldn't allow me medical? Well the steward does!

If all these people who have responded to you knew what kind of person you really are, they would be embarrassed to have you as a representative of the union.

Do you remember when you needed the union for allegedly sexually harassing a customer? As a steward i know i wont please everyone and have no problem with someone not liking me!

It seems you keep forgetting that if UPS is so bad and unfair, you have the option to get another job.

At this point its now my goal to have sups like yourself that lie cheat and steal removed from this company, your be the one looking for a job real soon!

I have driven for this company for over 13 years and I have seen union stewards like you. What I mean is, it appears all you have is a personal problem with being told do something.

I am a profeesional driver that does not need to be told what to do! I have received training on how to do my job and if i have a question during the day, i would not call and ask for advice and document it in the diad!

Now please explain what you mean by being told what to do! Because the training i have received has stressed that i am suppose to document all injuries and accidents, this is correct, right?

You have a problem with authority and now you are using your position to get support for your cause. The supervisor you are questioning is not trying to hide an injury, he just knows what kind of work ethic you have and how you have claimed so many injuries in the past.

I have been injured in the past! Which has nothing to do with this injury what so ever! You have been investigated in the past for harassment yet were promoted to management! And since my last injury i have worked extremly hard on my methods to avoid another future injury! This injury was created by ups and i was not the only one to slip because of this.

Work ethic? I went from making bonus to running over without lowering my stops per hour, but i have a work ethic problem? By this statement alone proves you are in management!
He has every right ask you what happened.

Absolutelly he does and he did which i answered at first, but i also have the right to have immediate medical attention when i request it!
He does not have the right to deny me my rights which he did!

I have never responded on this site before.

I really wouldnt call this a response, more like total lies and mis information which only leads us to believe that you are the sup in question. The drivers that witnessed my fall would not come on here and bash me, so the only way you are aware of this is from first hand knowledge of the injury!

But enough is enough. Stop with the lying. I am embarrassed to have you as a fellow driver and union steward.

If you were a driver i might be a little upset because its obvious i failed you somehow, maybe if you are a driver i have thrown you off the dock in the morning, or told you to stop putting in your lunch when you didnt take it.

In short the only drivers that dont like me are the ones that only care for themselves and hate the union. But hey when your kids are sick and you dont spend more than $5 on drugs or when you pay your bills from the $28 an hour you make or when your on vacation in disney with the family because the union got you that paid time off, hey ups would have given this all to you without guys like me fighting for ya!

If your a driver approach me and lets talk, tell me were i have failed, i have no problem debating issues.