I drink your milkshake! a metaphor for capitalism


Well-Known Member
ive never heard of you guys.
There are many things you have not heard of. And many more things you criticize yet know nothing about.

We are newly formed and are piggybacking on others right now. We only have a couple funding sources. I am hoping to have $1 mil residual funding by January 2021 and let the younger people take it over.


Well-Known Member
There are many things you have not heard of. And many more things you criticize yet know nothing about.

We are newly formed and are piggybacking on others right now. We only have a couple funding sources. I am hoping to have $1 mil residual funding by January 2021 and let the younger people take it over.
Run for president. Convince the Saudis and other super rich folk you're the likely winner. They'll throw money at you.


Well-Known Member
There are many things you have not heard of. And many more things you criticize yet know nothing about.

We are newly formed and are piggybacking on others right now. We only have a couple funding sources. I am hoping to have $1 mil residual funding by January 2021 and let the younger people take it over.
thats great but where youre donating your money is a waste.

the corporations want to get rid of the already inadequate welfare state, and just have inadequate charities for people


Well-Known Member
So because you’ve never heard of a cause or charity it’s not worthwhile? You probably think Mother Teresa didn’t do enough also, right? You know, because she didn’t change the world or donate money to a cause you believe in.
i have no idea about mother teresa the guys i listen to dont mention her. she could be a fraud like princess diana, who knows?


Well-Known Member
problem with capitalism is people dont follow the golden rule. the golden rule is how we are supposed to deal with freedom when it interferes with other people.

workers dont like their conditions, and its hard to imagine the capitalists would want the same conditions they impose on their workers imposed on themselves if they did work.

julian assange said the truth is hidden by complexity and secrecy. 1 example is workers dont know how much the employers profit off of them. if they did, they'd probably start connecting the dots.

people arent very smart. for example people dont know the definition of terrorism, we just mostly have a kind of propaganda term our govt and (state) media tell us which is some muslim in the desert. to bring this point back to capitalism, where im from i think people realize housing is completely unaffordable but havent made the connection that the middle class is therefore dead.


Well-Known Member
thats great but where youre donating your money is a waste.

the corporations want to get rid of the already inadequate welfare state, and just have inadequate charities for people
Stop talking and start acting. When you grow up you will have the opportunity to make your own decisions.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Well-Known Member
Stop talking and start acting. When you grow up you will have the opportunity to make your own decisions.
capitalism keeps us in a state of perpetual childhood: instead of making our own decisions like adults, we are told what to do all the time by capitalists on the job.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
americans eat all kinds of dead animals.

jesus was obviously a capitalist ;)
Me vegan..Me Capitalist
Jesus..All kinds of dietary laws he observed you have no idea of.
Jesus."Give Caesar what is Caesars" meaning: If you live in Canada wait in line for gall bladder surgery and shut up.


Well-Known Member
Me vegan..Me Capitalist
Jesus..All kinds of dietary laws he observed you have no idea of.
Jesus."Give Caesar what is Caesars" meaning: If you live in Canada wait in line for gall bladder surgery and shut up.
we have higher life expectancy and spending is almost half as much as americas. jesus would prefer our system. most of americans prefer it too apparently.