Did you have penis inspection day?Dear lord she reminds me of my middle school principal.
GOOD morNING boys AND giiirrrlllSSSSS
“We’re not very far apart on the issue, we’re just not that far apart…” lol ok CarolShe also said we'd have an agreement July 5th, too.
He's saying gayHuh, @FeederDriverIL just paintin' this thread ROYGBIV
Dude I think you might have been Molested. Or went to the greatest school ever. Either or thoDid you have penis inspection day?
It's time stamped starting at 4:30 she said 2 months ago that UPS will have a handshake deal done by the end of July. When I first heard that I thought to myself at the time, that's really waiting until the last minute. If you think about it though it makes sense, if you get the deal done at the last minute UPS can save money by not having to give us raises as long as possible. It's partly the Union's fault by not making July 31st the hard deadline, if they had the stance of "well you missed it, you missed it" we wouldn't be having UPS do this, but since they know they can get away and have zero incentive to get the deal done early they're gonna wait until the last minute and it's the plan all along to wait until this point, they can drag out raises as long as possible.
86.235% to be exact.I'd estimate there's like 80%-90% that 80%-90% of estimates are just made up numbers.
Don’t care what she says. Like a L R politician flapping their gums keeping their base engaged.
It's time stamped starting at 4:30 she said 2 months ago that UPS will have a handshake deal done by the end of July. When I first heard that I thought to myself at the time, that's really waiting until the last minute. If you think about it though it makes sense, if you get the deal done at the last minute UPS can save money by not having to give us raises as long as possible. It's partly the Union's fault by not making July 31st the hard deadline, if they had the stance of "well you missed it, you missed it" we wouldn't be having UPS do this, but since they know they can get away and have zero incentive to get the deal done early they're gonna wait until the last minute and it's the plan all along to wait until this point, they can drag out raises as long as possible.