I'll take "Who Just Got Fired and Aint Coming Back" for$1000 Alex


Well-Known Member
Shouldn't have edited the first post. We could have discussed it here. Every other topic has multiple threads.


I'm a star
Is it this one?

If so, let's discuss it here, we can't post funny memes and gifs in the news forum.

I have been lurking

Tired hubrat
Is it this one?

If so, let's discuss it here, we can't post funny memes and gifs in the news forum.
What a yard. Should have willcalled them


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
It happens...



All Trash No Trailer
Stuff happens brother.

The question I have for you did you keep any of your old browns And will they still fit you?
I retired on a Friday and the following Wednesday i went to my center and dropped of a box with everything uniform related.I only kept my rain jacket and wear it when i'm fishing in the rain. Weight wise I have actually LOST two pounds in the six months since I've retired.I'm very strict about portions,eating healthy ( no sugar,no bread, potatoes or rice, NOTHING fried) and avoiding Beer. On the days I'm not at the animal Sanctuary I walk two miles in the morning and another two in the evening to keep the ticker ticking . I am not a big foodie so its all good.


I'm a star
I retired on a Friday and the following Wednesday i went to my center and dropped of a box with everything uniform related.I only kept my rain jacket and wear it when i'm fishing in the rain. Weight wise I have actually LOST two pounds in the six months since I've retired.I'm very strict about portions,eating healthy ( no sugar,no bread, potatoes or rice, NOTHING fried) and avoiding Beer. On the days I'm not at the animal Sanctuary I walk two miles in the morning and another two in the evening to keep the ticker ticking . I am not a big foodie so its all good.

I think I'd rather be one of those guys who dies a few days after retirement than go without basically everything you listed.
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Retired 22 years
I think I'd rather be one of those guys that dies a few days after retirement than go without basically everything you listed.
I was thinking the same thing. After retiring I did do some very moderate exercise, ate pretty much what I wanted to , drank a boat load of beer and whiskey and lived life to the max. I have slowed a little (for christs sakes I'm 73) but not a hell of a lot. Had my annual physical last week and all my numbers are excellent (with a little help from a few magic pills). Dr. said to keep on doing what I'm doing. He did say I could lose a few pounds but they say that to EVERYONE. :-)


Well-Known Member
Is it this one?

If so, let's discuss it here, we can't post funny memes and gifs in the news forum.