I'm not hearing much about global warming now days.


Well-Known Member
I watched a PBS show the other night called The 1918 Fires in Minnesota (no-I was around then). About a forth of Mn. went up in flames and many lives and whole towns were lost. They talked about how the 3 years leading up to the fires had been some of the hottest / driest years in the history of weather record keeping. Global warming wasn't mentioned.
thats bc the koch bros are seriously involved with PBS


Retired 22 years
According to USA Today Wednesday night and/or Thursday night ALL 50 states will experience frost. That includes Hawaii and Florida. Global warming my ass.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
According to USA Today Wednesday night and/or Thursday night ALL 50 states will experience frost. That includes Hawaii and Florida. Global warming my ass.

Singular weather events do not define trends in global average temperature over years and decades.


Well-Known Member
According to USA Today Wednesday night and/or Thursday night ALL 50 states will experience frost. That includes Hawaii and Florida. Global warming my ass.
You do realize it's not uncommon for Hawaii to have snowfall in winter?


Retired 22 years
You do realize it's not uncommon for Hawaii to have snowfall in winter?

I'm not dumb. In fact I've been to the top of Mauna Kea and visited the Observatories. My point was on Wed. night ALL 50 states are suppose to record frost on the SAME night.


Well-Known Member
I'm not dumb. In fact I've been to the top of Mauna Kea and visited the Observatories. My point was on Wed. night ALL 50 states are suppose to record frost on the SAME night.

That's coincidental, and not relevant.

Some times I get mostly green lights going to work, doesn't make me Jesus.


Well-Known Member
How drunk are you?

How drunk are you to think that a coincident event in all fifty states is nothing more than that, coincidence?

Unless....it's more than that, which kind of screws your pooch of a thread.

I assume you had a point somewhere, I lost it...


I'm a star
It's not so much a coincidence as it is an indicator that the jet stream has dipped down far enough south for the polar vortex to bring arctic air to the US. It's a normal occurance, happens every year. We call it winter. Whatever global warming has occured has yet to be enough to eliminate the phenomenon. I'm crossing my fingers, though.


Well-Known Member
How drunk are you to think that a coincident event in all fifty states is nothing more than that, coincidence?

Unless....it's more than that, which kind of screws your pooch of a thread.

I assume you had a point somewhere, I lost it...
That is fact. Not some mathematical model with numerous variables plugged in to obtain a self serving end result.


Retired 22 years
How drunk are you to think that a coincident event in all fifty states is nothing more than that, coincidence?

Unless....it's more than that, which kind of screws your pooch of a thread.

I assume you had a point somewhere, I lost it...

You wierdos over think everything. Sometimes it hot-sometimes its cold. Sometimes the ozone gets thinner sometimes it gets thicker. Its as simple as that. Ice ages-hot spells. Mother earth will decide when its time is up--not mankind. Global warming my ass.

Netsua 3:16

Go suck the tailpipe of a running car. Tell me how it makes you feel.
Now, multiply that by a kajillion and ask yourself how this could possibly NOT affect our atmosphere.