In the event of hyperinflation, are we frozen for years until a new contract?


Well-Known Member
It doesn't bother anyone that it takes ALL the tax revenue from 27,000,000 average middle class Americans just to service the interest on our debt each year? 27 million of us work hard and pay taxes, only to have it poured into a black hole for nothing.

That's $230,000,000,000.00 a year just in interest. The average taxpayer pays $8,500/yr.

The interest is projected to triple in less than 10 years too. Good times!
It's not a black hole Holmes!!! Those extra taxes you pay go to support 4-5 extra families than your own!!!


Well-Known Member
I saw the responses and all three conflict.

First response: Yes, wage freeze no matter what.
2nd response: COLA increase.
You then pointed out that a COLA isn't in the contract
Hyperinflation is catastrophic. The country will collapse and you will have no job. You will be growing food in your backyard and using a wheelbarrow to carry money instead of a wallet.

Turn off the radio and TV and take a deep breath.