Is anyone following Wisconsin?


The Nim
Washington Times?? LOL!! Aka the Moony Times. You do know that "news"paper is owned by the Rev sun yun moon. LOL!

Think what you will of the paper, but did you even read what was there? Even the moonbats get something right when they have a good source to work with.


Well-Known Member
One point people are missing is that this bill was put forth in part to avoid layoffs. I think the number was up to 6000 state employees.

Incredible. We have high unemployment and they decide to lay off more people. So you have to pay them unemployment, they will not be paying taxes therefore LESS tax revenue collected, therefore a bigger deficit , therefore more lay offs, etc. That is not what FDR and the Dems did during the first Great Depression. They created jobs. They built things. They fixed things. The private sector (like now) was not creating jobs (even though they are sitting on $2 Trillion on cash) . So the government, at every level, primed the pump by putting people to work. And it worked. Obama had the opportunity in Jan 2009 to put forward a similar plan and he punted for a weak stimulus bill. And now at a time when we NEED government to step up , we have a very reactionary repub party in charge of Congress and most state houses and governors mansions whose goal is to UNDERMINE government at every level and try to privatize every service so their corporate masters can exploit it!


Strength through joy
There is an idiot in every crowd.
I see that that news hound Jackson dropped everything { what ever he does when not in front of a news camera } to go to Wisc.
Here's a picture of him and what be a very proud moment from the late 70's ;

{ps. someone handed out misspelled signs }


golden ticket member
The real idiot of the crowds was yesterday, I think. The reporter was trying to talk, just doing his job and some guy is screaming "Fox Lies" like 100 times very loud and in rapid succession so the reporter couldn't be heard over him. He was an obnoxious snit!!


Well-Known Member
Walker was voted in, because a majority of the people didn't want the train. He ran on stopping the not-so-high speed high speed train, that the Dem's wanted.


Staff member
The real idiot of the crowds was yesterday, I think. The reporter was trying to talk, just doing his job and some guy is screaming "Fox Lies" like 100 times very loud and in rapid succession so the reporter couldn't be heard over him. He was an obnoxious snit!!

Perhaps the "snit" learned his craft from Bill O'Reilly. Or a certain republican congressman who has since then gone obscure.


Staff member
Walker was voted in, because a majority of the people didn't want the train. He ran on stopping the not-so-high speed high speed train, that the Dem's wanted.
As an Illinois resident, I must thank Walker for that. I've heard that federal money will be coming to Illinois. Quad Cities to down-town Chicago in 40 minutes? Oh, hell yeah! I'll take that economic boom in a heart beat!


golden ticket member
Actually I wanted to use the "sh" word, but didn't want to get pegged for a TOS violation. Bill doesn't scream....This guy sounded like that part in Dumb & Dumber when Jim Carrey say's "what's the most annoying sound in the world ?"....



I feel that the governor is doing the right thing. The teachers union is the biggest drain on all Nationally,State and on every tax payer. Most are making $100,00 plus. Get health care for life.(FREE). The first thing they use "Its for the kids". Bull! And work less then 200 days a year. As for DOT workers- I know I see Them working hard sleeping in the trucks. Sleeping? As I drive delivering packages. Our Union is now the weakest I've ever seen. Hoffa Needs to go. We made a sacrifice in our retirements. Why can't they. We don't get health care for life.

Last stats I saw, WI teachers average $48,000/yr. I guess if they were in Allen, SD ($1,539 per capita income) they would be the fat cats on the block.

I wish we had some sleeping DOT workers, ours are all out conducting inspections and generating $$$ in fines.

I guess it depends on where you are if you sacrificed retirement benefits. I got a huge bump and we do get health care for life.


Well-Known Member
The real idiot of the crowds was yesterday, I think. The reporter was trying to talk, just doing his job and some guy is screaming "Fox Lies" like 100 times very loud and in rapid succession so the reporter couldn't be heard over him. He was an obnoxious snit!!

If you watched any coverage of the Tea Party nuts you wil find similar antics. Tea baggers shouting and threatening any reporters that were not Fox.

And by the way, Fox doesn't always lie. Just when the sound is on!


Well-Known Member
Except that Wisconsin was in the black when the new governor came into office and didn't have a deficit until he gave huge tax cuts to political allies in the state. Guess how he's trying to pay for it now? Tax cuts. The only stimulus accepted by republicans.

What are you blabbering about? The guy has been in office for 2 months, and the state has an estimated budget shortfall of $3.6 billion. A number that big is not the result of any single action by this governor.


free health care--false

DOT workers--absolutely true

$100k true.

It was "illegal" in the 1880s for people to form unions. But that didn't stop THEM. It was "illegal" for Martin Luther King and the civil rights movement back in the 60s but that didn't stop THEM! I bet it was "illegal" for the people of Egypt and Tunisia but that didn't stop THEM!
These public service workers are standing up for what is right. You think it is illegal, GO THERE AND ARREST THEM! Do that and you will have people like me jumping on a plane to replace them in the streets! This is the beginning of something big!

No group of workers has the right to bankrupt their state. If you were truly in support of the working middle class you would not be supporting these state workers becoming a larger burden on the middle class as a whole.


Well-Known Member
What are you blabbering about? The guy has been in office for 2 months, and the state has an estimated budget shortfall of $3.6 billion. A number that big is not the result of any single action by this governor.


You are right , he has been in office for only 2 months but he has in that short time cut taxes for his political allies. He isn't looking to save $$ , he is paying back his corporate masters who put him in office who want to destroy unions, plain and simple. He is an ideological reactionary puppet!


Well-Known Member
No group of workers has the right to bankrupt their state. If you were truly in support of the working middle class you would not be supporting these state workers becoming a larger burden on the middle class as a whole.

Governing is about choices. Did this governor choose to stop subsidizing the powerful and connected profitable corporations in his state in order to fix the problem?? Did he choose to ask the richest people of Wisconsin to pitch in some more taxes to fix the problem?? No, he chose to attack the public union workers, the middle class! Wisconsin, what were you thinking back in November?? Recall??????


Staff member
Even if the governor gets his bill, it will only cut the deficit by 10%. Where will the other 90% come from? Why is it only the public union workers who are being asked to sacrifice? The truth is that this bill is not really about cutting the deficit, it's about stripping middle class workers of their collective bargaining rights. The deficit is just a convenient excuse for this governor to do something he wants to do anyway.

3 done 3 to go

In control of own destiny

free health care--false

DOT workers--absolutely true- Sorry upstate. They do here in NY state. Go to your local school web site. It posts salaries


Well-Known Member

free health care--false

DOT workers--absolutely true- Sorry upstate. They do here in NY state. Go to your local school web site. It posts salaries

I do and the only ones making anyone near $100K are the superintendents. They also pay a portion of their healthcare.

We are in agreement about the DOT workers.


Well-Known Member
You are right , he has been in office for only 2 months but he has in that short time cut taxes for his political allies. He isn't looking to save $$ , he is paying back his corporate masters who put him in office who want to destroy unions, plain and simple. He is an ideological reactionary puppet!

Not by the $3.6 billion shortfall the state of Wisconsin currently faces.

Governing is about choices. Did this governor choose to stop subsidizing the powerful and connected profitable corporations in his state in order to fix the problem?? Did he choose to ask the richest people of Wisconsin to pitch in some more taxes to fix the problem?? No, he chose to attack the public union workers, the middle class! Wisconsin, what were you thinking back in November?? Recall??????

So what you are suggesting is he go after the companies and people who are helping to keep the unemployment situation from getting worse? Doesn't sound like a smart move if he is interested in the long term economic success of Wisconsin.

Even if the governor gets his bill, it will only cut the deficit by 10%. Where will the other 90% come from? Why is it only the public union workers who are being asked to sacrifice? The truth is that this bill is not really about cutting the deficit, it's about stripping middle class workers of their collective bargaining rights. The deficit is just a convenient excuse for this governor to do something he wants to do anyway.

Even if your 10% number is correct its a good start to getting the Wisconsin government more in control of its expenses now and in the future. If he can pull this off the taxpayers of his state will benefit greatly in the future.