is the driver helper supposed to call in everyday?

hey i just got hired as driver helper in san francisco last friday. Am i supposed to call in to the center everyday, or at least call once just to touch base? I tried to call the coordinator to ask her about this today but she wasnt responding.


IE boogeyman
ideally the coordinator should set you up with a driver in a certain area, close to your home, and you contact and meet up with the driver every day at the same time/location


Well-Known Member
Call everyday, this is how you will get work, if you want to work.

I had a first-day first-time driver helper today, after a great 5 hours, he asked me if he should call tomorrow.

I said, yes, call early and often.

So many driver helpers sign up and can't be reached by phone...???

If you want to work, by all means, start calling at 8:00 AM.

ideally the coordinator should set you up with a driver in a certain area, close to your home, and you contact and meet up with the driver every day at the same time/location

This statement will be true in about ten days, when we finally weed out all the no-call/no-show helpers and when management finally gets the peak roster nailed down.

We're currently getting slammed (at least at my center, we're doing week-before-Christmas numbers).

So, yes, by all means, call call call call....

Brain Genocide

Active Member
The office called me once wanting to know if i'm driver has been calling me since. We meet and have our 8+ hour day.
He log's my hours down, I keep track of my hours as well, come friday he'll bring my check. All is well.


New Member
I am a new helper too. I was hired and told I would start work the day after orientation. Three days later I am still calling in each morning at 7:30 to be told not routes available. Why don't they be honest with you and tell you that you are to be a back up at the interview?. I got the run around for a month trying to get an interview, then my first orientation was cancelled and I was told a few days later I should attend one 50 miles from home so "I could start working right away" between gas for 100 mile trip and lunch I made nothing. To date I have made nothing there's only less that three weeks left to the end of helper season. This is really bad hiow they treat the helper. And there's a union?? Where?? Helpers are not protected by any union.


Well-Known Member
I got a call a call from the center two days after orientation with my area and my drivers name. My driver calls me every day with the time and place to meet.