Originally Posted by diadlover
new2ups, here are some words of wisdom:
1)Do not go into management.
2)Do not become a driver.
Stay part time?
Yes, or get an article 22.
3)It's a union company so your hardwork is meaningless.
Ok hates the union. No, I hate lazy bastards that take advantage of the Union. Big difference buddy.
4)If you steal it is a felony if it crossed state lines. No matter how small it is.
wish that were true. That is true.
5)Drink a lot of water.
6)Pay your union dues.
now he supports the union. Of course, I've always supported the Union.
7)Your PT sup. is nothing. He can't do sh-t without a full-time sups permission.
hates the part time sup. Yeah, so?
8)Don't listen to dannyboy. He's an idiot.
hates the resident steward. I hate you and your mom also so what's your point?
9)Don't shave. Shaving sucks so why do it when your just a hub-rat?
hates being clean shaven. And that bothers you why?
10)Request to work in the unload. From there go to the small-sort. Stay there because you'll earn $1 more per hour.
hates hard work, thinks anyone can get a job in the small sort. Work in a less physical environment for more money? Work smarter tieguy, not harder.
11)Pay a fellow worker $20 to get a carpool pass with so you can park in the front.
hates parking too far from the building and having to walk too far. No, I hate having to wait 15 to 20 minutes to find a parking space. And yes, when it's 115 outside I don't want to walk too far.
12)Get about 3 i.d. cards because you don't want to forget yours. You can wait like 15 minutes for a sup to come sign you in.
hates the part time sups who don't break their necks to sign him in when he forgets to bring his ID with him. Yes, I dislike sups.
13)Don't listen to wily_old_vet. He's an old coot.
Does not respect his elders and what they have learned. I respect my elders. Just don't take advice from the senile ones.
14)File a grievance when you see sups working.
likes to file grievances for sups working when he hates working hard and should probably be glad the guy is doing his work for him. Ummmm, yes tieguy when I see a sups taking work from an hourly I enjoy filing on them. Not sure where this "lazy" work ethic you think that I have but like I said before WORK SMARTER, NOT HARDER.
15)An employee can and will be terminated for poor attendance. However, a lazy piece of crap that comes to work on time every day will have job security. Just ask double_standard.
Despises lasy pieces of crap yet gives advice to steer away from anything that resembles hard work. Yes, and I'm going to say this for the last time: work smarter, not harder
16)Wear deoderant. Can't tell you how many stinky bas-ards I've had to smell.
hates stinky bastards but thinks its ok to look like one. So your saying that any person with facial hair is a stinky bastard? Wow, good job.
17)Become a steward or study the union contract. Know your rights.
Ah now loves the union, but does not think he can learn anything from two retirees who have been there and done that. I have ALWAYS supported the union. Employees need to educate themselves so two-faced scumbag sups such as yourself don't take advantage of them.
18)Listen to over9five. He's good people.
Okay one good piece of advice out of 18.
I think somebody has a crush on you, over9five.