The title of this thread really caught my eye. LP is bad everywhere. I think they get off on trying to intimidate the hourlys. Once I saw one, ream out a guard at the gate for not inspecting a older driver's lunch box; he got pretty nasty with the guard too. I felt bad for her. Check his lunchbox? FFS! He's only been giving his blood, sweat, and tears to this place for the last 20 some odd years. He probably takes a 10 minute lunch off the clock, sorting his truck while inhaling a sandwich because there's no way in hell he'd make 9.5, if he took a real lunch. The cavity search is uneccesary.
Where's the Gestapo when they're really needed? There was an incident at a local hub where some part timers were stealing guns, by "tossing them over the fence" at they're building. They got away with it for a while too. I'm guessing, they were fairly lucrative at it. Where was Himler and the boys then? I'll tell you where they were, they were pickin on a guard for not checking a lunch box, stalking a driver and taking photos when they went 2 miles out of trace for lunch. They were picking random hub rats, taking them into their interogation room and "almost" accusing them of stealing, just to see who would squirm. But I digress, one thing i did enjoy seeing LP do was, "parking duty" at the Centennial Celebration...I guess maybe they did that to make sure no one stole any of the package car models from the "Race the Truck" simulator or to make sure no one got more than one hot dog....