LWOP Policy


Well-Known Member
Need to take some time off to check out a lucrative opportunity in another state. What is the current policy on lwop? Can’t seem to get a straight answer or find any literature on the matter. I would use vacation time but it is scheduled a few months out. Thanks.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Need to take some time off to check out a lucrative opportunity in another state. What is the current policy on lwop? Can’t seem to get a straight answer or find any literature on the matter. I would use vacation time but it is scheduled a few months out. Thanks.
Policy is it depends on whether your Sr manager approves it or not. They don’t have to approve it. It’s based on operational needs.

Subramaniam's Myth

Active Member
This comes under the heading of "flexible Rules". You wont get a straight answer,if your well liked you may get it or if the cause of your LWOP is convenient for Operational Needs.


Well-Known Member
In your opinion, what should the policy be?
I think he was stating the policy... you know as well as others, if it fits Operational needs.. in other words, if they can get by without you, then yes LWOP. LWOP for our locations, not happening, we've blown up and don't even fit our station anymore, we barely have enough coverage right now for vacations. One sick call and the station pretty much implodes.


Well-Known Member
I think he was stating the policy... you know as well as others, if it fits Operational needs.. in other words, if they can get by without you, then yes LWOP. LWOP for our locations, not happening, we've blown up and don't even fit our station anymore, we barely have enough coverage right now for vacations. One sick call and the station pretty much implodes.
A great problem for any company to have as long as the customer doesn't entertain other options.


Well-Known Member
it was an emergency in summer. no vacation was open. Senior mgr was a dick. I took the time as lwop that I could not afford at the time. Piss on em. I was not going in to work regardless of operational needs. had 2 sm kids at home and wife in hospital. It is a Family company after all. Ya right!


it was an emergency in summer. no vacation was open. Senior mgr was a dick. I took the time as lwop that I could not afford at the time. Piss on em. I was not going in to work regardless of operational needs. had 2 sm kids at home and wife in hospital. It is a Family company after all. Ya right!
You don't need an open spot to use vacation for fmla. It's federal law. They can't deny you.


Well-Known Member
it was 8 yrs ago. Sr was a dick and like the money was coming out of his own pocket... more or less. I bit the bullet and moved on. but it was still a dick move on his part as I had personal days available. What is a personal day good for?? Never worked for any company that required personal days to be scheduled... chicken :censored2: at best


Well-Known Member
fmla is un paid in most cases. I only need 2 days and was denied
FMLA is unpaid, and you have the option of using your Personals for whatever you want. You can call in tomorrow and tell your manager you are taking a personal(if you have them left) You don't need to disclose why, you can just say something pressing came up, etc... it's not really their business, That's why they are called "personal"


Just telling it like it is
it was 8 yrs ago. Sr was a dick and like the money was coming out of his own pocket... more or less. I bit the bullet and moved on. but it was still a dick move on his part as I had personal days available. What is a personal day good for?? Never worked for any company that required personal days to be scheduled... chicken :censored2: at best
If that had been the SM’s wife, he sure as hell would have taken off. Lots of double standards at FedEx.