Massachusetts vote for Scott Brown . Save our Health care


Strength through joy
Why Is Senator Kirk Still Voting on Legislation?

by SusanAnne Hiller The Senate has voted on three pieces of legislation today that required 60 votes–to raise the debt ceiling to $14.3 trillion, to reduce the deficit by establishing five-year discretionary spending caps, and Ben Bernanke’s confirmation–all of which interim Senator Paul Kirk (D-MA) has voted on. In addition, there have been other Senate votes since Scott Brown was elected as Massachusetts senator that Kirk cast a vote.
The main question here is: why is former Senator Kirk still voting on these legislative pieces? According to Senate rules and precedent, Kirk’s term expired last Tuesday upon the election of Scott Brown. Furthermore, Massachusetts law can be interpreted, according to GOP lawyers, as:
Based on Massachusetts law, Senate precedent, and the U.S. Constitution, Republican attorneys said Kirk will no longer be a senator after election day, period. Brown meets the age, citizenship, and residency requirements in the Constitution to qualify for the Senate. “Qualification” does not require state “certification,” the lawyers said.


I call BS on Lue C fur and Tie, I gave you guys a link in the "No Negro Dialect" thread that contains reaction from the African American community. If you can't handle the truth and reality than just go bury your heads in the sand and quit acting like right wingers are champions for the black community. Face it, you guys don't like the answer because it's the truth. There's no dodging or double standard going on here, just right wingers attempting to make Harry Reid look like an idiot. And thats a fact.

Here, let me jolt your selective memory.....

Re: "No Negro dialect"

Originally Posted by Lue C Fur
Really? I did not know there was a poll taken or are you speaking for all blacks.

I thought what he said was offensive. Also Al Sharpton does not speak for all blacks and is a racist so any crap he spews is just that...crap.

Your predictable fixation on Al Sharpton as the MSM's Black outlet is so expected it clouds your ability to do a little research of your own, and make your own conclusions......

Here, I'll get you started :

so the link gave you the right to determine mike steele was not a black man?


golden ticket member
I know it's funny, that's why I sent it to my mailing list yesterday. I'm sure it offended a few, but I don't care. And guess wouldn't be the political that offended, but the "friend" word.

blue efficacy

Well-Known Member
My obligation to the less fortunate is to kick their butts off the couch for them to get a job.........also, take a urine test before they collect another welfare check. Teamsters may not have to worry since their slimy union guys are making deals so that they are exempt from these taxes.....yet an employer who did right by their employees and got them a great health plan will be taxed to high heaven....real fair huh?

Why is it always penalize those that worked hard for every penny they made and give it to the slob who thinks work is beneath him??

I'm very grateful for my health benefits, but I pay $1100 a month for them.
There never will be enough jobs for everyone, unemployment at some level is necessary for the economy to not totally collapse.

Show some compassion.


golden ticket member
"You don't work hard for your ~$30 an hour, the slimy union guys made a deal to get you that wage."

I don't work outside the home and don't have an hourly rate...I'm priceless !!


I'm Insincere
OK, maybe I am just dumb, but you have to explain that one to me. Why wouldn't 100% employment be optimal?

macroeconomic theory postulates that 4 - 5 % unemployment is the lowest level that unemployment can be without the cost of labor becoming too expensive
if the costs of goods and services become too expensive, inflation sets in at the same time that a recession starts


Für Meno :)
macroeconomic theory postulates that 4 - 5 % unemployment is the lowest level that unemployment can be without the cost of labor becoming too expensive
if the costs of goods and services become too expensive, inflation sets in at the same time that a recession starts

We had 3.6% here a few years back.
But, yes, housing boom, inflation , like you said, kicked in.


Für Meno :)
I didn't say Canada. This province had 3.6% at one time. (and I actually over estimated).

Alberta’s unemployment rate up but still lowest

Alberta’s unemployment numbers nudged up slightly to 3.6 per cent in May, but the province still leads the nation with the lowest rate
click the headline for the website, you'll see this :

The province lost 400 jobs in May, while the number of people entering the labour force increased by 7,100, Statistics Canada said today.

That pushed Alberta’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate up slightly from 3.3 per cent in April.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
I didn't say Canada. This province had 3.6% at one time. (and I actually over estimated).
You did not say Alberta either. Maybe your were talking about "Kleins world" where everything is perfect? Wait...your unemployed sucking on your goverments teet right?


Staff member
"You don't work hard for your ~$30 an hour, the slimy union guys made a deal to get you that wage."

I don't work outside the home and don't have an hourly rate...I'm priceless !!
The "priceless" and the "worthless" seem to have about the same practicality in everyday life. Both seem to just sit there taking up space.


Staff member
And remember this the next time you get on some rant about the worthless, lazy welfare cheats. They don't deserve it either.