Massive retirements in 2013?


Well-Known Member
BTW, farmers work in barns. We work in centers/hubs.

The term likely goes back to the days when teamsters actually drove (teams) of horses which of course were kept in barns. It is more common in the freight industry to refer to your domicile as a barn. It seems to have hung around in the union as a jab at company's desire to re-brand their image. I mean "center" sounds so much nicer than "barn".


Well-Known Member
The term likely goes back to the days when teamsters actually drove (teams) of horses which of course were kept in barns. It is more common in the freight industry to refer to your domicile as a barn. It seems to have hung around in the union as a jab at company's desire to re-brand their image. I mean "center" sounds so much nicer than "barn".

We use the French version---centres---here.


bella amicizia
Thank you, CharleyHustle. I have heard many on here refer to their center/hub as a barn, yet he managed to wait until I said it to be condescending. Shocking!


Man of Great Wisdom
The term likely goes back to the days when teamsters actually drove (teams) of horses which of course were kept in barns. It is more common in the freight industry to refer to your domicile as a barn. It seems to have hung around in the union as a jab at company's desire to re-brand their image. I mean "center" sounds so much nicer than "barn".

Cows are kept in barns. We refer to our building as "The Stable".


Well-Known Member
Man you sound like so many that I work with. I still do the job as well as any of the younger drivers and don't call in sick all the time either. I will leave on my terms when I'm ready. Someday you will have a bunch of low senior drivers waiting around like a bunch of vultures waiting and trying to push you out. The more they bug me the longer I think I'll hang around. That's why they call it seniority.
I have 32yrs in as a safe driver and you just pretty much described me too. When the junior drivers or the pathetic management team asks mean about retirement I just respond with..." Crap! don't ask me that cause every time someone asks me I tack on another month before I retire" Nobody has asked me that question lately....
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Well-Known Member
Hi, dawgfan. I work at the Redmond hub too. I'm a new guy though. Just wondering, does this mean my sonority doesn't matter within the building itself if I want to be a driver? I have to wait in a northwest district line instead of just the Redmond hub line?



Well-Known Member
UPS announced in 2010 that 25% of it's drivers will be eligible to retire by 2015. With the crappy economy very few have retired yet. I would bet that a lot of drivers will be jumping ship just before contract time.

Well, since they announced some would go by 2015, and it's only 2012 well have to wait..right


In my center it's been 4 1/2 years since they've hired a full time driver. We've had 4 drivers retire and none of those position were replaced.