Micromanaging Supervisor


Well-Known Member
This guy is a total nut, he held me in an office right before I needed to audit Early AM/ International packages causing the our Air Pull to almost be late. He's accused me of stealing in front of everyone in the office, saying he found a package inside another package and I don't open them to look for invoices unless there is someone there with me, no one likes him to begin with. Accused me of having access to programs to tamper with packages and their destinations. Wrote me up twice but I signed under protest and I have already written a grievance, I'm about to write another one if I have to, none the less our manager arrives Thursday from his vacation I will let you know how it turns out. Never had a problem with this guy until he became my supervisor, he knows nothing about the duties of an International Clerk and demands I do things a certain way? I really think he just has it out for me. Other people in the office have taken a stand for me, everyone is fed up with him.