Military ban


Well-Known Member
this issue has run in all directions and lord I don't know how we got on the gays fit to serve issue. I served with gays when gays were a no no . we knew what they were and we didn't care as long as they did the job.

I'm fine with transies under the same rules. I do not however think the military should pay for their surgeries.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Anybody that supports this tranny nonsense I have one thing for you.
Pull out your checkbook and pay for everything they need to achieve that lifestyle in the military with your own money, not mine.
I'll wait.


Staff member
Anybody that supports this tranny nonsense I have one thing for you.
Pull out your checkbook and pay for everything they need to achieve that lifestyle in the military with your own money, not mine.
I'll wait.
You can make that argument about anything you disagree with that is funded with taxpayer dollars.


Bad Moon Risen'
the decision should be made by the president under advise of his generals. After Manning there is a legitimate concern that other transies will join to get the military to pay for this very expensive surgery.
...but we will pay for very expensive aircraft and ships that the generals don't want or do not work as promised. Go figure.

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
Does the military allow recruits with prior suicidal thoughts? I think these problems should be handled respectfully and proper mental health services administered short of surgery.


Staff member
Does the military allow recruits with prior suicidal thoughts? I think these problems should be handled respectfully and proper mental health services administered short of surgery.
No they don't. You get a cursory psych eval as part of the enlistment process and anyone talking about suicidal thoughts will not pass. Even after enlistment if you confess to suicidal thoughts or other physiological problems during basic training you will separated from the service and sent home. It's only after completing basic training and beginning your service that you really have access to comprehensive medical care.


Well-Known Member
...but we will pay for very expensive aircraft and ships that the generals don't want or do not work as promised. Go figure.

whuuut . what expensive aircraft or ship do the generals not want? are you suggesting we now man a trannie instead of a new battleship?


Bad Moon Risen'
This year’s Pentagon budget originally included a small victory for taxpayers—it reduced its request for the troubled Littoral Combat Ship to only one ship for $1.2 billion. “The Navy doesn’t want them,” Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney told Hugh Hewitt earlier this month.

Yet, while sailors and Navy brass may not want any more LCSs, members of Congress do.

...and battleships are dinosaurs.


Well-Known Member
This year’s Pentagon budget originally included a small victory for taxpayers—it reduced its request for the troubled Littoral Combat Ship to only one ship for $1.2 billion. “The Navy doesn’t want them,” Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney told Hugh Hewitt earlier this month.

Yet, while sailors and Navy brass may not want any more LCSs, members of Congress do.

...and battleships are dinosaurs.

I'm sure someone wanted it and I don't see it being something the Obama administration forced on resistant generals.


Parts on Order
If a sergeant is distracted by a corporals choice of off duty clothing that he can't do his job professionally, then the sergeant needs to go.

If you're on a active duty contract, you're never off duty. There's always a dress code. Just some examples, no flip flops/shower shoes outside a building, no hats indoors, no tank tops, if your pants/shorts have belt loops you better have a belt on. The list goes on. Its every Marine's responsibility to to follow the rules and correct the ones who aren't. So the Sergeant should notice the out of code Corporal, and correct the problem. This is what it was like when I was in, things could be different now.

You have to wear a road guard vest (reflective vest) when riding a motorcycle. I only wore mine on and off base. One time I was at a red light, off base on the weekend, when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and seen my OIC CWO4 devildog. He looks at me and says, "Put the vest on or get the :censored2: off the bike," I put my vest on. He got out of his car to correct me. He was right. Rules are rules. So, you're never really off duty.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Anybody that supports this tranny nonsense I have one thing for you.
Pull out your checkbook and pay for everything they need to achieve that lifestyle in the military with your own money, not mine.
I'll wait.
Are you ok with you tax dollars being spent on boner pills? They spend 10x the amount it would cost for trans people on Viagra and Cialis.