MN Riots Moving To The Burbs???

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Actually there are people arguing for just that, defund the police. If that's stupid take it up with them.
Strawman arguments. This is what you do all the time, find a tweet that’s way out on the extreme and use that to justify doing nothing. Do you think police violence is under control? Should 1000 people die annually at the hands of police? Is that a good outcome to you?


Well-Known Member
Strawman arguments. This is what you do all the time, find a tweet that’s way out on the extreme and use that to justify doing nothing. Do you think police violence is under control? Should 1000 people die annually at the hands of police? Is that a good outcome to you?
Google "defund the police." Advocates including some in government and academia are arguing there should be no police or even prisons. I know you're omniscient but this one apparently got by you. As for the 1000 are you assuming they're all unjustified? How about when police are fired upon and return fire? Happens all the time. How about "suicide by cop?" What are police supposed to do when someone points a pistol at them in hopes of being killed?

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Troops guard steps of Lincoln Memorial amid protest


This makes me both sad and angry at the same time. Not because they’re there, but because it’s necessary for them to be there. This crap all needs to end.


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