Nation of Islam


Well-Known Member
Guess I missed the point. What does Malcolm's pontificating have to do with trickponys quote

You can let this hold you down or you can rise above

Your Choice
Just another attempt by the white man to twist history to deflect from this countries transgressions and brutal past.

Article 3

Hundred percent true. In my center black workers for whatever reason are not reprimanded like white workers. But the most invincible worker of all is the old about to kick the bucket small sort workers. They take 15 minutes just to go up and down the stairs, no one cares.
At least they show up for work every day.


Occasional Lurker
There isn't any acting to it.
I don't see/hear of any of the other major religions flying planes into buildings or any of the other acts RECENTLY committed by our Muslim friends.

If you know of any please share.

I can wait.


I put these here so DIDO won't have to.

Why is your construct of judging religions based only on what has happened recently? These religions have existed since the first century and seventh century, respectively.

I deleted my comment earlier until it took me a couple of hours to figure out how badly you had missed the point. You actually thought my "Crusades" comment was my argument when I literally pointed an arrow at it to state it was an erroneous argument. Am I getting that right?

My point was that Islam is not monolithic. There are violent Muslims (yes, more proportionally than other religions) and peaceful Muslims. And there are significant theological differences among different groups.

If you are a Christian, you need to be less concerned with mischaracterizing and insulting an entire religion and more concerned with sharing the Gospel with them.
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Extra Large Package
A female part time sup and a hourly got into an argument at the Atlanta hub last week. Racial slurs were used by both the black female sup and white male hourly. Flash forward to last night. She calls up her Nation of Islam thugs to the Ups parking lot. 5 of them 4 wearing suits. They wait for the male to enter the parking lot and jump him. Ending with him being chocked out. Police were called and NOI thugs got a trespass citation. Not sure if both parties are fired. Lots of employees are mad here. We might have a race riot by the end of the week.
She should be arrested for bringing in people to assault him. Can you imagine if he would have called in the KKK? It would be international news. People in Australia, England, Germany, Italy, Argentina would be hearing about it. But since it was a black on white crime it gets swept under the rug by both the police and Fake News propaganda media.


Extra Large Package
Just another attempt by the white man to twist history to deflect from this countries transgressions and brutal past.
Don't forget that white people also ended slavery in a brutal war that killed over half a million whites. Also, slavery was practiced in the Middle East and had many Europeans as slaves. There are transgressions everywhere if you look into it.


Well-Known Member
Don't forget that white people also ended slavery in a brutal war that killed over half a million whites. Also, slavery was practiced in the Middle East and had many Europeans as slaves. There are transgressions everywhere if you look into it.