New Driver Hiring Process?

I was given a contingent offer 04/21/2021 ... passed my background and passed my road test today they didn’t say when I would have a DOT physical or give me any more information or type of time line, does anyone have any input?


Well-Known Member
I was given a contingent offer 04/21/2021 ... passed my background and passed my road test today they didn’t say when I would have a DOT physical or give me any more information or type of time line, does anyone have any input?
What's the driving position and what state? Oh and get ready for someone to ask you for a picture.


Well-Known Member
New York . Cover driver (HR says part time job but they’re working full time right now due to how screwed my sort is )
Be prepared to be part time at any moment and only get 3 1/2s a day. HR always likes to make it sound like it will never happen but that's because they need someone to in the seat and don't care what happens after that.


Well-Known Member
Either way you'll have to pass a 30 day probation where they will expect you to memorize all the safety stuff and constantly get better on the route. You'll be slammed and expected to get it done and they won't care if it's possible or not.


I was given a contingent offer 04/21/2021 ... passed my background and passed my road test today they didn’t say when I would have a DOT physical or give me any more information or type of time line, does anyone have any input?
Sit tight it’s gonna happen any day now
Rochester area? That's Upstate NY, same supplemental as me (Buffalo). We don't have casuals anymore, just PT cover going into 22.4's, depending what your building needs.
Yeah when I applied it said package delivery driver and then I looked again and it says casual delivery driver so I’m not sure what’s going on until they explain it more in depth.


Well-Known Member
Yeah when I applied it said package delivery driver and then I looked again and it says casual delivery driver so I’m not sure what’s going on until they explain it more in depth.

Yeah, you're going to be PT cover. Only guaranteed 2 days a week, but if your building is short drivers than you will probably work 5 days. Once you qualify start signing bid sheets for FT. You'll be 22.4 to start but guaranteed 5 days a week and slot in to take over RPCD positions as they become available.
Nobody’s gonna explain anything “in depth”
That’s not how this place operates
Yeah, you're going to be PT cover. Only guaranteed 2 days a week, but if your building is short drivers than you will probably work 5 days. Once you qualify start signing bid sheets for FT. You'll be 22.4 to start but guaranteed 5 days a week and slot in to take over RPCD positions as they become available.
okay thank you . When I saw it change to casual I could only find answers online about seasonal/temporary driving and obviously that’s not what I wanted to be doing.


Nothing to see here.... Move along.
Yeah when I applied it said package delivery driver and then I looked again and it says casual delivery driver so I’m not sure what’s going on until they explain it more in depth.
They are not.

Fortunately for you we are not going to blow smoke either.

There are no guarantees about anything past what the job title says...


Some make it thru to ft, some don't.

Most get the run around.

Best thing I could tell you is...

Talk to some real life people in your center and get real life answers to your questions that pertain to that center.

Other than that...

Do you do squats?

Asking for a friend