New here! How many days does it take to join the union?

I keep getting mixed answers. I heard 40 and I heard 30. Which one? Is it 30 days everywhere? Do your training days count? Also, what does it mean when your supervisors keep telling you that you're doing a great job? Does it mean you're doing beyond a great job? I'm a package handler by the way.

balland chain

Well-Known Member
A shop steward can answer that for you, but I think it is when you get seniority in your job classification..But I may be wrong.. A steward should be on the cafe sometime today and can answer that, or just call your union hall and speak with a business agent..


It depends on what supplement you fall under, but you generally acquire seniority after having 30 working days out of any 90 consecutive days. Your seniority date should then be the first working day you logged out of those 90. Orientation days (classroom time, shall not exceed five days) does not count towards seniority.

This may vary from supplement to supplement, but that's the general gist of it.


Active Member
Just keep working crazy till your sup comes up to you with a seniority paper which you must sign. Every hubs different 30-90 from what I gather, not even my steward knew, if you could even call him that. Asked the guy for union forms and had to wait 2 months for them.


Well-Known Member
Ya out west here it's 70 days and unless I am mistaken it changed to 90 on the current contract and cornerstone does count towards your seniority date