New Orleans



I've heard the same nonsense too. Both sides are loaded with this kind of nonsense and some just as crazy theories were running amuck during the Clinton years. Sad part is there are people so driven by their own hatred of other political opinions or beliefs that they will result to such outlandish thoughts in order to try and bolster their own political positions. The worse part is the people who result to this type of behavior the quickest are referred to in this country as Congressman This and Senator That!

You know I did catch the tail end of a story today that gave some hope. According to FoxNews, a congressman from Texas (sorry I don't remember the party but that's irrelevant IMO anyway) had a 3 bedroom vacation home near Waco Texas. He's now turned the keys to the home over to a widow, her son and daughter and her grandchildren as they were displaced from NO. Nice move and gives real gov't cynics like myself some pause to have hope again that there might be one decent person left in Washington DC. Hope the story is true cause it sure was a nice feel good story in all this chaos we are facing.


What a contrast.

On one side you have the race , class and certainly politics thrown up in a never ending societal blame game.

Meanwhile you have millions giving in every way possible with no regard to race or class.


On one side you have the race , class and certainly politics thrown up in a never ending societal blame game.

That's the gov't and politics
Meanwhile you have millions giving in every way possible with no regard to race or class.

That's the results you get from a free people operating as individuals outside the realm of politics.

If this is what happens when such calamity hits what could we do on other issues of lesser effect these days? What we are seeing in NO IMO should cause all of us to step back and take pause with just how much of our lives we should trust gov't with. I do think more of our efforts should be focused on letting local and state govt's oversee many other issues effecting us rather than everything micro managed out of Washington. Why is it we scream and yell bloody murder when some pencil pusher in Glenlake trys to micro manage how we each do our jobs but then we turn around and demand that very same level of micro management from our gov't.

BTW: Excellent points and observation tie!
5 stars from me to you.


susie-how illuminating that you posted that link. You have showed your true colors now and I can only believe that it is you that is the racist and not President Bush. How do you justify posting that link?


I see where Brownie has been relieved of duty.

He hasn't resigned and hasn't been asked to, just relieved of duty, whatever that means.

It is stated that he was thinking of stepping down after the hurricane season.

I have to agree that if you believe we learn from our mistakes he is the most qualified to run FEMA during the hurricane season.

Inept and classless as always when asked if he was being made a scapegoat he said "yes, by the media, by the president, no".

At least he isn't suicidally ignorant, just homicidally ignorant.

I wonder if it was the media's fault when he was asked to step down as director of the arabian horse assoction for ineptitude as well.

wkmac, I know you are a major antigovernment proponent and while I don't necessarily disagree (although perhaps I am more realistic that less government aint the going trend, especially when the political group in power which is considered the "less government is better" group of the two has become a cheerleader for more centralized big government).

I cannot connect that fact with any of the problems this disaster has brought about as I haven't seen a single action by either the local or state level government that appeared to show any more competence than what went on at the national level.

We all know the citizens of the USA will pitch in as a group for a national or international disaster without federal intervention or interference, but without a national coordinator with authority a disaster of this scope would not easily or effectively be coordinated.

The fact that it wasn't this time is not an indicator that it can't be, just that it wasn't.

As last election year showed in the Florida hurricane emegergency the federal government is capable of responding in a timely and coordinated effort.

They just need the right incentive apparently.


wily asked:
How do you justify posting that link?

Justify to whom?

Free means freedom of expression, as well. I didn't sing the song or make the rhyme. If you think this message isn't being heard, you are liable to be surprised some day, my friend.

Did you bother to listen to it? All the way through? Twice? Do you not think there is validity to it? You may not like the message. I don't like a lot of what I hear daily, but I never discount it.(tech tip: right click and save as .mp3, then you can listen over and over until you get it)


Hopefully Browns removal from the fire will get the attention off politics and back on the relief cause where it should be. I doubt it but who knows. I'd feel a lot better about the whole mess if I saw Polozi( sp?) wading through Norlas fine water while grandstanding about what went wrong.

(Message edited by Tieguy on September 09, 2005)


I believe the song makes a reference to having Bush come down and do something besides pull emergency workers off their job for photo ops. He is the boss, not Pelosi.


"I believe the song makes a reference to having Bush come down and do something besides pull emergency workers off their job for photo ops. He is the boss, not Pelosi."

Ah and his point and yours by posting the link to his song would be that Bush is the first president to "pull workers of their job for photo ops".
Perhaps those workers who are probably putting in 20 hours a day trying to feed the survivors do not deserve to have their picture taken with the president?

Meanwhile I watched the one hour "telethon" tonight. I wonder is the stars were paid for that hard hours work. I also had to wonder if anyone who has seen the carnage in the south and not given would suddenly be motivated watching this one hour "kiss the celebrities buts" session. Uninspired thrown together were other words that came to mind. At least Sean penn hopped into a boat until it sank.


I have to admit I was glued to the set when Penns boat went down hoping the captain went down with his ship.


down here in georgia we have a trailer that is being filled with donations. food, clothes, money..... also alot of people in atlanta looking for jobs so they can get back on their feet. lets help these people out however we can.


I dont like the fact that the ones who left as they were told to do, wont get the 2000.00 help. Yet the ones who defied authority will. Just another example. I heard it on my local North Ohio AM station. A family left, got as far as Illinois, and got a flight home, then were told since they were out of the area, they didnt need the relief. They still lost all, they just followed the rules of society. When law enforcement says go, you go.


I hadn't caught that, and it didn't occur to me. That's deplorable. That has to be remedied.


Tooner, I would hope that is just a DJ passing on a rumour rather than the truth.

I agree, if you left the area and you lose everything you should be just as qualified for any relief than if you ignored the evacuation or couldn't get out.

And what is the difference (and why should there be any difference) between an area that was officially evacuated and the thousands of citizens farther inland where there wasn't any official evacuation request, but lost everything?

Unless they are only giving this to those at these designated shelters, how would the government even know if you left or not as things are so screwed up they don't know what's going on!

This is beginning to look like a knee jerk reaction, unthought out political pr move to try to lessen public outrage rather than an intelligent or compassionate relief effort.

And now they've just announced they are pulling the plug on the two day old 2000 grand debit card unless you are one of the evacuees sent to Texas.

Evacuees to all other points in the USA will have to fill out forms and await approval and deposit in their savings accounts.

What a mess.

In light of the mega money bogus claims paid out from last years Florida hurricane relief effort and 9/11 that are just now surfacing this aught to be a field day for wkmac's favorite subject.

Not sure what the qualifications are regarding being an evacuee or what happens if you don't have a savings account.

Nice, another obviously well thought out strategy.

Is anyone running the ship!


"I hate Bush".... We know, we know.....

(Message edited by over9five on September 10, 2005)



Have you given as much cash to the relief effort as you gave to the RNC?