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Well-Known Member
It's real nice to know that you think you get to make decisions for other teamsters.

Says alot about your character, or lack thereof.

The arguments you are using sounds alot like the arguments the SCABS in my building used during the strike.

I put you in that same catagory.

I had one vote. I guess to you that means I make decisions for others. It's your story.

Scab? Really? I walked the picket line every night in 1997. In the middle of the night because the princesses couldn't walk it because that's night when people sleep. Where were you?

I love your quote about liberals. That says a lot about character. A union righty is like a Jew voting for Hitler.


Well-Known Member
Oh. Sure. Sorry.

I thought the whole world worked at UPS so we could compare our jobs.
Well then put your money where your mouth is. Go tell your buddies that don't work at ups that you're quitting because of the concession you took on healthcare. Explain the changes to them then let me know what they say. That should be laughable. Please video their reactions and post it here. I need a good laugh.
Well then put your money where your mouth is. Go tell your buddies that don't work at ups that you're quitting because of the concession you took on healthcare. Explain the changes to them then let me know what they say. That should be laughable. Please video their reactions and post it here. I need a good laugh.
Want a good laugh? Go look at our IBT POS (lack of) leadership.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I had one vote. I guess to you that means I make decisions or others. It's your story.

Scab? Really? I walked the picket line every night in 1997. In the middle of the night because the princesses couldn't walk it because that's night when people sleep. Where were you?

I love your quote about liberals. That says a lot about character. A union righty is like a Jew voting for Hitler.
You decided other teamsters votes were not as important as what you wanted.

You disregarded them so you could get what you wanted.

You are a sellout.

I am a conervative.

Conservatives usually back laws that will help the business community.

A good business community means more jobs.

I figure this country need jobs more than it does more liberal job killing regulations.

Can you name anything the liberals have done in the last 5 years that has helped the U.S. job market?

I didn't think so.

10 point

Well-Known Member
Well then put your money where your mouth is. Go tell your buddies that don't work at ups that you're quitting because of the concession you took on healthcare. Explain the changes to them then let me know what they say. That should be laughable. Please video their reactions and post it here. I need a good laugh.
I'm not quitting. You must be confused.
I am concerned that you're not paying attention.


My Senior Picture
I would appreciate it if you guys would discuss the issues and stop the personal attacks.

From our house rules:

Discussion can be animated, which is fine, but we do not welcome personal attacks, on- or off-board. Derogatory, insulting, or belittling statements, directed at other members as well as direct or indirect personal attacks are not permitted on our forum.

It is fine to disagree with a different viewpoint, but please limit this to challenging the idea and not make your comments a personal challenge or make derogatory personal comments about individuals or their choices or circumstances, which disparage their ideas, opinions, their occupation or their personal situation. These examples are not exhaustive. Insulting or disparaging another member is a personal attack regardless of the manner in which it is done. These offensive comments are contrary to the spirit of legitimate, reasoned debate and damaging to the purpose of our community.

You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, insulting, sexually-oriented or any material that may violate any applicable laws. Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned from this site.
It really is truly sad to see what this "union" forum has been reduced to of late.
When you stop to think about what the word UNION means, you'll understand what I am try to say.

When I joined this site in 2007, and for years after, with many trips to moderators queue, I too acted in the manner in which Cheryl is trying to curb here.
Most of my transgressions then were with members of management and UpStateNYUPSer.
In the past 8 years, as I learned the TOS, one violation at a time, I also learned why these rules are in place.

TieGuy once told me that "I could not see the forest for the trees", to which I told him "he could not see the trees for the forest".
The world is a big place and we all see things from different perspectives.
Without respect for alternate perspectives, we can easily become tyrants and subsequently disabled.

These revelations were a gradual thing for me, but were recently solidified in my mind in regards to union issues, when I took notice of PiedmontSteward's signature on all his posts; coined from the late Hoffa SENIOR:

"As brothers, we may fight among ourselves. But we shall present a united front against any attack from the outside and we shall never surrender our birthright to fight against all odds in the service of our Brotherhood." - James R. Hoffa

I would like to think that I am doing better and want to thank this community, adminstrators, and it's moderators for teaching me a belated and valuable life lesson.


Well-Known Member
Want a good laugh? Go look at our IBT POS (lack of) leadership.

Laugh all you want reality is not your thing I get it. It's not for everone. Hoffa and Hall are not perfect. Just like im not, but as a feeder driver who has his house almost paid for, drive a nice car and can pay cash to put my kid through college, they did alright by me.
Laugh all you want reality is not your thing I get it. It's not for everone. Hoffa and Hall are not perfect. Just like im not, but as a feeder driver who has his house almost paid for, drive a nice car and can pay cash to put my kid through college, they did alright by me.
My house is paid off. Put Two kids through college..OK? These guy are taking us backwards... Not forward.

You said you been here for aro 25 years? Would the Teamsters ever put up with the crap we take now?

I think not. Yes we got good raises and twice as much work and harassment .

We won nothing.

10 point

Well-Known Member
Laugh all you want reality is not your thing I get it. It's not for everone. Hoffa and Hall are not perfect. Just like im not, but as a feeder driver who has his house almost paid for, drive a nice car and can pay cash to put my kid through college, they did alright by me.
Glad your healthcare isn't sick anymore.


Well-Known Member
My house is paid off. Put Two kids through college..OK? These guy are taking us backwards... Not forward.

You said you been here for aro 25 years? Would the Teamsters ever put up with the crap we take now?

I think not. Yes we got good raises and twice as much work and harassment .

We won nothing.

Nobody is harassed unless they let it happen. It's people not wanting to put their big boy pants on and file grievances. Pleeeeeze. How come they don't harass me?


My Senior Picture
Amazon was getting very impatient that the contract wasn't done in the spring of 2013. They put pressure on UPS to get it done. When they're shipping 1 out of 10 packages you tend to listen. If Amazon pulled their business how many layoffs would there be? I remember how many customers we lost in 1997 when we had a bigger market share. How many layoffs would there be if we lost Amazon?

Common Sense.
Now I am ever more disappointed.

Not sure if this was the case, but if it was, wouldn't that be an additional bargaining chip for the Teamsters?

We aren't talking about a company teetering on the brink of insolvency like Hostess or YRC, this is UPS, a company at the top of their game.
Like you said 1 out of 10 packages, you tend to listen.
I don't think UPS would be willing to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

If Amazon was truly putting the pinch on UPS to get us under contract, that put us in a position of strength, not a position to impose concessions.

What you call common sense, I call weakness and inefficient bargaining.
While you are catching up, maybe you can answer my question to you, since 5habits100 stuck his nose in and declined?

10 point

Well-Known Member
We got some good things.
We are disappointed about some things too.

That's bargaining.

We lost on the healthcare issue.

We took a hit for you ez. Talk a little nicer to your donors.

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
Who's been in charge of the CS fund for the last 16+ years?

Look to the Hoffa boys for that.

These people.


Well-Known Member
While you are catching up, maybe you can answer my question to you, since 5habits100 stuck his nose in and declined?

I feel they wanted to play hardball with us. Remember they wanted us to pay $90 a week for healthcare. When Amazon got in the middle. The company gave us raise in pension. $3.90 in wages and still no premium Co pay. That was way better than I expected. I figured 40-50 cents at best considering how Fed Ex is Missclassifying their drivers paying by the piece, no healthcare, no pension.