Nobody wants to be pt Sup!Why?


Package Center Manager
One reason is you will lose all your union senority.
Another is if you are in school you have to get C's to get it paid for if you are in management. Union people just have to pass.
Many loaders and unloaders are waiting to put in bids for better paying union jobs,
If a person doesn't make it as a pt Sup they are just out of luck, and out of a job.

Calypso this statement reflects poorly on union people (students), everyone should be striving for a better grade.

This is why a lot of the new employees have a tough time making it at UPS. They barely put forth any effort to get the job or do the job and expect it to be handed to them. 8 out of 10 p/t's that attempted to get a full time driving job, while working for me, never made it.

rubba dub dub your back in the HUB.....


Browncafe Steward
Well it's all what you make of it. What's your expectations coming in. If you are happy making $400 dollars a week and want some responsibility then I would say apply. It's a crappy job without many perks, but you get to telll people twice your age what to do. The union folk are followers, they stayed in the union because they just aren't mentally prepared to lead or teach. That's why we're promoting you to teach them to work safe and to "motivate" them to work harder. Always remember one thing: After you become management don't be scared to continue to do union work. There's plenty of it and every little bit helps. Ten years from now you should be encouraging other mangement people to do the union work, no matter what anybody tells you..... ITS OUR WORK, we just let them help.

If I caught a union employee yelling at one of my part time supervisors, I would fire them on the spot. When they got their job back I would personally make an example out of them. Part time supervisors might be low, but the union help is one knotch lower last time I checked.

No no no Mr Part time supervisor wanna be. The answer is to make the employees you have get the work done faster. If the union doesn't get the work done at the rate I want them to, then I find a non union person that can. Been doing it like that for years, and no one files grievances when I am around.

Before I start I want to say you're welcome. You're welcome because I am about to spread some of my knowledge to you, and teach you. Let's go over what you said. The only people that make 8.50 are new hires. The only part time supervisors that make $13.00 and hour are new hires that were immediately promoted to part time supervison. I do understand the "contract" I just don't care about it. Nobody follows it. Union or Management. It's in place to make people feel good. When someone feels wronged by the company, the contract makes them feel good. They file grievances because it is like revenge, and revenge feels good. The union is a very profitable organization, and so is UPS. Both get rich off of their members/employees. I'll give you a number to research and then you will see the light. How much did UPS pay in total grievances last year? That's settlements, panels, everything... When you see that number, compare it to total profit. It is less than 1%.

The cost of the grievances last year didn't even add up to the cost we saved on Turkey's and extra recognition......

ATLANTA!!! Please send this dip**** to Chicago!!! I would love to see him act like this in the workplace, he wouldnt last more than 1 month in any building in my local. I would love that extra money coming from sups working that he talks about.

Socks let me know when you will stop in Chicago, I just would like to see if you are as confident face to face as you are typing **** behind a computer!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
ATLANTA!!! Please send this dip**** to Chicago!!! I would love to see him act like this in the workplace, he wouldnt last more than 1 month in any building in my local. I would love that extra money coming from sups working that he talks about.

Socks let me know when you will stop in Chicago, I just would like to see if you are as confident face to face as you are typing **** behind a computer!!!!!!

I am at CACH frequently... Your local is one of the weakest... I will state that there are strong locals left out there, but you definitely aren't one of them. Your local is a perfect example of the rise and fall of the teamsters..


Well-Known Member
Part time sups make about 20k per year. At 5.5 hours per day it works out to about $15/hr.
Partimers at $9/hr make about 10k per year if they work 5 hours every day. Most make less.

I will give you some props.. You finally have a close to accurate statement.... I am starting to wonder if you may be a part time supervsor. The only accurate pay scale you have given is that of a part time supervisor. BUT your still wrong. Well actually in some cases you might be right.. Well your a little of both.


Well-Known Member
I don't know where u r from, but you would never make an example of me because I"ve never intimidated by any management **********. I've been yelled at, threatened, tried to be terminated and never have I lost a days worth of work. Yes, I *********************** know why....I use the rules that are in affect that not only protect me,but ****************************************************

What are you trying to say...... You have done a fine job making an example of your self.
Why?! Part time sups (PTS) are lodged quite firmly between a rock and a hard place. Overseeing an operation where their staff makes twice the money they do and who know the PTS doesn't have anything remotely resembling the authority that the title "supervisor" implies. Reminded not to perform bargain work *wink* *wink* "know your audience" and then purposely understaffed (no need for another hourly when we can use you) and pressured to motivate! motivate! motivate! union workers some of who have nothing close to a sense of urgency (I get paid by the hour, not the package.) Salary?! A PT's check stub states "hourly rate" 'hours worked" and "guarantee". A discretionary day is labled as "sick pay." Sounds like an hourly employee to me. And of course there's nothing like a good dose of public shaming as a PTS gets walked out for not crossing a "t" or dotting an "i". Why don't we just lock them in the stocks and throw rotten food at them all the while screaming rude and disrespectful remarks until they have not a shred of dignity left. Or better yet, let's hold the PTS accountable for the PPH, hold them personally responsible for the safety of their staff, and then reward the union workers for sending packages to their proper destination. Isn't that what they get paid for in the first place? I can't fathom why people would prefer to load/unload at a part time supervisor's pay rate when they can remain union and do less for more.


If I caught a union employee yelling at one of my part time supervisors, I would fire them on the spot. When they got their job back I would personally make an example out of them. Part time supervisors might be low, but the union help is one knotch lower last time I checked.

This is Retaliation and I'll make sure human resource and my union delegate knows about this issue.


Calypso this statement reflects poorly on union people (students), everyone should be striving for a better grade.

This is why a lot of the new employees have a tough time making it at UPS. They barely put forth any effort to get the job or do the job and expect it to be handed to them. 8 out of 10 p/t's that attempted to get a full time driving job, while working for me, never made it.

rubba dub dub your back in the HUB.....
Hi Dragon,- This statement was not meant to reflect poorly on anyone, (By the way-I am not a student), But I do know of some students who are really struggling with some difficult classes that can't be avoided to get a degree.
As for the jobs in the hub, so far all of the people who are unwilling to put forth effort on the job have not lasted their first 30 days,(the ones I have met anyway)
I was not meaning to promote a poor work,( school, life) ethic in any way.


You may be right but we as hourlies have no right to yell at any management person, PT or FT.

No one has the right to yell at anyone no matter position. If your pt union employee don't comply get the shop steward the yell game shouldn't be done let's all be humans and treat each other with respect. I don't urge union workers to yell back just document and write a grievance but I see Retaliation everyday and it's not the right way to handle a situation.


Package Center Manager
Hi Dragon,- This statement was not meant to reflect poorly on anyone, (By the way-I am not a student), But I do know of some students who are really struggling with some difficult classes that can't be avoided to get a degree.
As for the jobs in the hub, so far all of the people who are unwilling to put forth effort on the job have not lasted their first 30 days,(the ones I have met anyway)
I was not meaning to promote a poor work,( school, life) ethic in any way.

Thanks for the clarification Calypso. I was really hoping you meant something different.


Well-Known Member
Why?! Part time sups (PTS) are lodged quite firmly between a rock and a hard place. Overseeing an operation where their staff makes twice the money they do and who know the PTS doesn't have anything remotely resembling the authority that the title "supervisor" implies. Reminded not to perform bargain work *wink* *wink* "know your audience" and then purposely understaffed (no need for another hourly when we can use you) and pressured to motivate! motivate! motivate! union workers some of who have nothing close to a sense of urgency (I get paid by the hour, not the package.) Salary?! A PT's check stub states "hourly rate" 'hours worked" and "guarantee". A discretionary day is labled as "sick pay." Sounds like an hourly employee to me. And of course there's nothing like a good dose of public shaming as a PTS gets walked out for not crossing a "t" or dotting an "i". Why don't we just lock them in the stocks and throw rotten food at them all the while screaming rude and disrespectful remarks until they have not a shred of dignity left. Or better yet, let's hold the PTS accountable for the PPH, hold them personally responsible for the safety of their staff, and then reward the union workers for sending packages to their proper destination. Isn't that what they get paid for in the first place? I can't fathom why people would prefer to load/unload at a part time supervisor's pay rate when they can remain union and do less for more.

We have a genius here... I will type slowly. This is a whole new subject... I will quote you now. "I can't fathom why people would prefer to load/unload at a part time supervisor's pay rate when they can remain union and do less for more." What are you talking about? Are you comparing inside part time employees to a part time supervisor? We were talking about full time drivers, to full time sups before. A new part time sup is guaranteed as much as a 10 year part time union employee makes per week. After ten years a part time union employee might make more than a part time supervisor, but who wants to work somewhere for ten years and still be at poverty level income?


Well-Known Member
We have a genius here... I will type slowly. This is a whole new subject... I will quote you now. "I can't fathom why people would prefer to load/unload at a part time supervisor's pay rate when they can remain union and do less for more." What are you talking about? Are you comparing inside part time employees to a part time supervisor? We were talking about full time drivers, to full time sups before. A new part time sup is guaranteed as much as a 10 year part time union employee makes per week. After ten years a part time union employee might make more than a part time supervisor, but who wants to work somewhere for ten years and still be at poverty level income?
TEN YEARS!!!COME ON MAN GET REAL,this is not a real response and if it is your way out of touch with p/t sups and their pay.their is no way in hell a p/t sup makes what a 10 yr union guy makes,if your gonna post stuff at least make it somewhat beleivable,your post are funny but this is just absurd.


TEN YEARS!!!COME ON MAN GET REAL,this is not a real response and if it is your way out of touch with p/t sups and their pay.their is no way in hell a p/t sup makes what a 10 yr union guy makes,if your gonna post stuff at least make it somewhat beleivable,your post are funny but this is just absurd.

I think he's using exaggeration to make the point.

If you take a PT supervisors hours (27.5) and compare it properly with the avg 10 year PT hourly (20 week for ex), there is no competition. Right now a 10 year vet is making around $20/hr, while that bright-eyed weenie in the polo is making around $12-14.

Lets do an example: $20/hr x 20 hours = $400/week
$13/hr x 27.5 = $357/week

Working 7.5 hours more and less $ in paycheck : nevermind less for health/dental benefits which the sups continue to pay more and more out of pocket for...

no comparison, PT weenie works far more, gets far more crap, and gets a heck of a lot less. Plus is basically a "at-will" employee with no job protection and has no control of anything important, and no respect in the workgroup, and so on and so on...
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I am at CACH frequently... Your local is one of the weakest... I will state that there are strong locals left out there, but you definitely aren't one of them. Your local is a perfect example of the rise and fall of the teamsters..

I don't care who you are THIS is funny.


I hope this comment is just deep rooted sarcasm and not an honest opinion based on your complete hatred of anything non-management. Aside from the few examples listed in the contract, telling a potential new PT sup to continue to do union work is grounds for grievance, wether you give a crap or not, supervisors doing union work whenever they feel like it is a contract violation and is unjustified. If workers arent willing to pick up the pace then let the supes bring the issue up with management, and if the workers just have too much work then let them speak with management about their excessive work load, instead of having PT sups step in whenever they feel the need. What I'm trying to say is PT sups have to stop working and the workers have to stand up for themselves if they have too much work. I haven't been around these forums for a terribly long time but I notice that no matter what the topic of conversation you always take managements side no matter what. I am not completely pro union workers nor am I anti management because I see both sides have their faults in that the workers think the management is screwing them so the workers then try to screw management, then the management sees the workers are screwing them so then management screws the workers. Its just a vicious cycle that neither side is willing to put an end to because they both want their justice. You can blame lazy workers for all the problems management has but you can also blame UPS for hiring anyone that can barely pass a 2nd grade final exam and has no motivation, plus setting expectations that are too high for what its workers are capable and willing to achieve.

I agree with you. The problem is that UPS will hire anyone, they work their 30 days to get the EoE incentive , and suddenly then the employee is at fault for not performing as they should when in reality that employee had no business being hired. Somewhere down the line hands are tied but that is not the unions fault, it's the companies. The company has a quota to make, a number, just like every other measurement that goes on. I don't see the union backing up everyone, only the employees they want to back up.


Well-Known Member
TEN YEARS!!!COME ON MAN GET REAL,this is not a real response and if it is your way out of touch with p/t sups and their pay.their is no way in hell a p/t sup makes what a 10 yr union guy makes,if your gonna post stuff at least make it somewhat beleivable,your post are funny but this is just absurd.

A new employee that turns part time sup makes 13.50 and hour. They are guaranteed 27.5 - - - 13.50x27.5 = 371.25
A ten year part time union employee makes 20.00 an hour. They are guaranteed 17.5 ---- 20.00x17.5 = 350.00

Benefits depending on the plan for a part time sup is around $27 a week. It's pretty close.. No that much different.


Well-Known Member
TEN YEARS!!!COME ON MAN GET REAL,this is not a real response and if it is your way out of touch with p/t sups and their pay.their is no way in hell a p/t sup makes what a 10 yr union guy makes,if your gonna post stuff at least make it somewhat beleivable,your post are funny but this is just absurd.

I am not out of touch, I just handed out raises... I had to type every sups current wage, and their new wage and give it to them.