This would seem to be a great idea with all of the freight companies going out of business... problem is, where are these boxes going to fit? All drivers in our center accept (grudgingly - and for the most part rightly so) that they will be dispatched at least a 9.5 day, but with the introduction of the new OS3 volume, the packages simply will not fit.
By adding a trailer for the companies shipping these boxes, centers will not make their SPORH (or it will be very difficult to do so). Do you think anything in the company will change to accomodate this new volume? or do you think the OMS will be forced to make many drivers double trip (ridiculous) on a daily basis.
In my opinion, great opportunity for bank, but we need to be given a way to handle the volume.
On a side note, have any other centers noticed an increase in injuries due to the recent excess in work per driver. In our center, even if we were able to add routes, we simply do not have the bodies to do so... When your center has 33-35 hours over 9.5 daily, there are bound to be more injuries.
I know many people are angry with management. Yes, there may be issues, but to a point, our hands are tied also, especially in middle mgmt. Dispatch can be improved on our part and the preload, but we are dictated the routes... the volume has to go somewhere...it's stressful for all. If its any consolation, I get no lunch, work 830-630 and cant make appointments with my family either. Seems UPS has shied away from catering to the family life..
By adding a trailer for the companies shipping these boxes, centers will not make their SPORH (or it will be very difficult to do so). Do you think anything in the company will change to accomodate this new volume? or do you think the OMS will be forced to make many drivers double trip (ridiculous) on a daily basis.
In my opinion, great opportunity for bank, but we need to be given a way to handle the volume.
On a side note, have any other centers noticed an increase in injuries due to the recent excess in work per driver. In our center, even if we were able to add routes, we simply do not have the bodies to do so... When your center has 33-35 hours over 9.5 daily, there are bound to be more injuries.
I know many people are angry with management. Yes, there may be issues, but to a point, our hands are tied also, especially in middle mgmt. Dispatch can be improved on our part and the preload, but we are dictated the routes... the volume has to go somewhere...it's stressful for all. If its any consolation, I get no lunch, work 830-630 and cant make appointments with my family either. Seems UPS has shied away from catering to the family life..