Oh No, More Snow.....


Retired 23 years
Actually its 8 degrees and sunny right now. A very pleasant day. 41 degrees warmer than it was a few days ago.
Just got the call from one of the managers that the CACH was closed. First time in 25 years that I`ve been told not to come in. I`ll give them credit.

outta hours

Well-Known Member
My hub closed today also because of weather. Never happened before in my 25 years. We did have three drivers go out last night and they are not expected to be back until Thur. at the earliest .


Well-Known Member
Unbelievable here in the midwest. We delivered today even though Fed Ex was shut down in the area. I deliver to an area which contains 8 different zip codes. Suffice it to say I cover a large area.

I flipped my whole area around and picked up on area cutting about 50 miles off my normal day. I also know who is related to who and where everyone works. I literally ran to the doors in the morning because I knew we were going to get hammered in the afternoon. WE DID.

The highways had cars off all over the place and people were stuck in the middle of the road in town. I live about 30 miles from the center in the area I deliver. I have a 4 wheel drive Silverado and have never even worried about getting home after work.

Tonight was different. Complete whiteout with cars stuck in the middle of the road with 4 foot drifts. We are shut down tomorrow because there is no way the feeders can get to us and I guess like Cachsux said they are closing Cach.


Für Meno :)
Holy crap :
Just about 30 minutes ago, they had a live reporter in Chicago on CNN.
In the middle of his report, it thundered and lightning. And really loud , too.
Snow comming down at 2" per hr, with strong blowing winds.
Look like it will become the snowstorm of the century in Chicago !

Heading directly to NY.
The snow storm last Wednesday was a nightmare. At 1615 we got the word to make all our pickups early and get back to the building, I didn't get back until after 2100 and at that time there were over 100 drivers still stuck on the road, the last drivers didn't make it in until 0230 the next morning. By the time I got home it was after midnight and I was one of the lucky ones.

Hello all, been lurking forever, first post. Yeah we had a District Mgr. who was notorious for recalling us too late in the snow. Numerous times most of us were unable to return to the building because of clogged roads and were left stranded. The all time best was hurricane Floyd back in 1999. By the time he had called us off the road a dam had burst right by the building, and every road was washed out. I don't believe he's with the company anymore but I hope he's on this site. What a boob!


Well-Known Member
Like Jones said we had a pretty bad day on Wednesday, however he was lucky to get off so "early". I didn't punch out until 11:40, left the route around 6. Some drivers couldn't make it in and stayed in hotels. Overall lots of OT. :)


Für Meno :)
Just seen on the news (CNN), Florida is so broke, they are going to turn the Florida turn-pike into the Disney Turn-pike.
They need the extra advertising revenue.
Oh well, atleast it won't be called "Mickey Mouse Road" LOL

Damn, we should be asking the Queen to pay for our Highway #2, that we changed in her honour to QEII (Queen Elizabeth II) ! :)


(the bus isn't part of the sign)!!!!

Wondering if the Disney Turnpike will have Mickey pictured on it........

And, California will follow with the Intel Interstate or maybe the Facebook Freeway ???????
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Well-Known Member
jeez woke up this am to the center manager calling saying no ground del today, wanted to know if I'd come in later for pick-ups and work actual hrs. Think I'll stay home and snovel snow and drink bailey's and coffee all day, can't believe they shut down for just 6" of snow, gotta luv the new UPS.


Man of Great Wisdom
Called in. No work available due to weather. My 1st snow day in 22 years of driving. Weather not that bad where I am, just couldn't get any loads from Milwaukee and Chicago. I'll probably get a call later to come in and make pickups. I love caller ID.


Well-Known Member
center manager just called back said we're completely shut down for the day, can't believe it as we've only got 6" of snow. Boy am I gonna get :censored2: from my customers tomorrow..


I can remember the winter of 1978. We'd go out and the snow was so deep and roads so bad we were getting three stops an hour off. Back then you needed a signature at every stop too. No way to communicate with the office either. During pickups you'd get a message from your customer telling you to call the office.

I had a jumper in the peak of '78 and we got off twelve stops in four hours. That was a tough day.
