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I don't ring or knock unless I need a sig. I'm sick of being yelled at by so jackass that thinks I should have rang the bell instead of knock or the other way around.

I am with you 100%. Here, there are so many people employed in the gas, oil, and mining industry who have wacky schedules, I don't even bother because I never know who works nights this week and whose babies are sleeping. People track their crap up to the second so they know when I'm there and when I've dropped. Who cares anymore.


Just a turd
I had a callous on one of my knuckles from knocking on doors. It took 2 years for it to go away. I talked to customers all the time when I was on car, and at the counter. You meet some funny people that way


My knuckle started hurting during my thirty days. I’ve been ringing every door bell since. Like I’ve said before “if I’m up you’re up too”


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Knocking, ringing the doorbell, and announcing “UPS” at residential stops helps reduce theft and damages by the elements. I can’t announce UPS all day, especially on a dense residential route, without coming home sounding like I chain smoked for 90 years straight. I typically don’t touch security system doorbells, such as Ring, Nest, etc., because I refuse to talk to people through their doorbell and listen to some of the BS they spew through them.

I do knock and ring normal doorbells at each and every house though unless the customer instructed otherwise. It only takes like a second and a half tops. Only bonus babies and people that are scared to death of being ridiculed for their numbers have a problem with doing that.
Why would you talk to anyone through a ring? I’ve had maybe 2 people in my career say something before I was out of earshot. Usually that’s because I need a signature and stuck around.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.

dont wanna talk to people, hear their life story nor their problems. don't want to lug package up stairs or put in garage. dont wanna come in for a drink or milk and cookies.

less contact the better.

if they open door i say hi , gotta go see ya next time and keep walking away.
Now you were a package car driver too?