ORION!!! What a mess...


Package Car is cake compared to this...
We was told that even if we beat the miles and time they don't care and to follow trace , I can beat the miles by 20 and get done early with 73 trace ( I get yelled at ) I go over 20 miles and work 2 hours OT but do 90% trace ( I hear way to go ) I go over 94% trace no matter what happens with miles or time ( I get yelled at )

i am so done right now so the plan starting Monday is 98% trace until they fire me

Classic case of why a rigid corporate structure cannot be efficient. The higher ups demand a certain number be maintained, because they believe that is how efficiency will be achieved. But their blindness to the real world, and their immobile numbers prevents the very thing they are trying to achieve. And the reason they are immobile is because of the vast amounts of money they have spent on "efficiency".