OSHA fines post office in Florida $129,336 for exposing mail carriers to August heat

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
Wonder what OSHA considers to be “high ambient temperatures.” Get that kinda heat and humidity all the time in the summer.


Well-Known Member
Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night nor fines from OSHA stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.


Well-Known Member
I recommend every driver read up “osha extreme heat guidelines” You are allowed extra rest periods, and a reduced work load. Drivers in my center have filed and called osha. Those drivers usually get less work when it’s extremely hot. Ups is also supposed to provide us with clean water. If you guys notice construction crews and garbage men ect all have coolers. We don’t. That’s another issue to make if push comes to shove in the summer.

Know your rights.

Edit, added the link. We see “high” heat index basically all summer down south, especially in the back of the pc

OSHA's Campaign to Prevent Heat Illness in Outdoor Workers | Protective Measures to Take at Each Risk Level - Actions for High Risk Conditions: Heat Index is 103 degrees friend to 115 degrees friend | Occupational Safety and Health Administration
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Well-Known Member
what a bunch of pansies----SMH
Idk if your joking, but we usually have 1-2 drivers see heat related issues every week from Jun-sept, we have had drivers who have nearly stroked out or were in the beginning stages of organ failure and had to spend days in the Er. :censored2:s no joke.


Retired 23 years
Idk if your joking, but we usually have 1-2 drivers see heat related issues every week from Jun-sept, we have had drivers who have nearly stroked out or were in the beginning stages of organ failure and had to spend days in the Er. :censored2:s no joke.

I didn't say it was a joke. UPS drivers have been working in the heat (and cold) since day one. It wasn't that long ago that UPS didn't even have shorts available for their drivers and you definitely weren't allowed to wear your own. Nothing but long pants you swear were made out of canvas. Now all of a sudden with this last generation everyone has turned soft and wants off for hot days. Work smart, drink PLENTY of liquids and DON"T run and you will survive. Quit being such pansies.