what happens to overgoods?? several of the drivers tell me they go to a overgoods warehouse and are sold by the trailer load but no one can find out where the warehouse is..thanks,keith
what happens to overgoods?? several of the drivers tell me they go to a overgoods warehouse and are sold by the trailer load but no one can find out where the warehouse is..thanks,keithIt depends upon which Overgoods you're talking about. The main one in the US is in Kansas City, MO, but there is also one in Calfornia, too, and a few smaller ones scattered around.
Yes, the stuff is put into trailers and auctoned off sight unseen. If you are the lucky bidder for the trailer of electronis, you might get a bunch of cell phones, computers, and maybe even a flat screen plasma TV. If you bid on the one full of shoes, you'll get every kind of shoe imagineable. Kind of neat if you can afford to do it. Then you can recoup your money by taking everything to the flea market.