I was wondering if you knew something shady UPS did, what would you do with it?
Our overgoods, label correction area is constantly piled up and looks terrible because the lady there cannot keep it up. UPS learned that a higher up manager was making a visit so they loaded all the overgoods in a trailer to hide it and make themselves look better.
A MONTH later they decided to start working on it. I found things that were a month late that simply needed some tape on them. It disgusts me as someone who works on that stuff and takes some pride in getting their people their

I think if I reported this a few managers would get fired but I'd also put a target on my back. What do you guys think? 26 year veteran and I just get sick of the tactics this company resorts to.
Apparently you don't understand how overgoods work. Overgoods are items that are abandoned by the seller and receiver. In order to be abandoned--it must first age out.
They are then RE-SOLD by UPS OVERGOODS DEPT---not re-united with the proper people like you think. Does UPS need a more modern system to keep track of what is where before they get to overgoods dept (or even when there)---absolutely. But there is a reason why they don't get immediately sent back and the area cleared--they'd be re-sold before the true owner might know they're missing.
A box needs tape in your opinion--
did you read the invoice and see the shipment was actually incomplete--or did you just look at the cardboard and make your determination? Is it going international for the return--who paid for the duties and tarriffs to complete the return? Did you see it was a returned to a company that had moved or went out-of-business? Did the receiver go on summer holiday? Is it waiting for a damage inspection and the only one authorized is on vacation? Did some customer give a driver the box back as a return 9 months later and the driver took it back meanwhile the tracking number was re-used?
No, you just saw a box that needed tape and figured that was the issue and other people's laziness: guess what you could be right or very wrong.
Assumptions are the mother of all ......k ups.
For example, driver one picks up a box but the bottom tape seam doesn't hold. 50 small items spill all over his truck. Does driver one have time to pick up the 50 items. Nope, they just grab a handful out of their walk-path. Driver tells part-time sup when they get back to the building. Sup is too busy working elsewhere to make numbers--so the truck gets unloaded.
A helpful driver like yourself see the box needs tape and pulls it from the belt and re-tapes and sends it on its way. Later car wash collects lose items and gets them to the corrections clerk--no one knows where they belong. The items without the box are placed in the overgoods hold area. Should the corrections clerk take pride and immediately send the overgoods items to the UPS Kansas City processing area--to maintain the clean little area you want? NOPE. The items are typically kept 2-4 weeks so that the seller and receiver can contact the center to find out if they have the missing items.
BECAUSE ONCE THEY HIT THE KANSAS CITY OVERGOODS--they are sold and not re-united to the proper owner like you think. UPS doesn't have some large warehouse building hiding the Ark of the Covenant in it.
So my advice is stay in your lane regarding the assumption of pride. Or better yet focus on what you can control. You want to talk ethics...start with drivers future-ing misloads (which track as customer requested delivery at a future time) or simply throwing them on the belt when they get back to the building without the pal label vs doing the right thing and delivering it. And that is before even broaching the emergency conditions usage.
As far as management cleaning up the building because someone is visiting the center: that is the easiest way to spot an external auditor in our building. Oh look the floors have been cleaned and the trucks washed---must have an audit today. Oh look there is a full time supervisor in the building past 4pm--must have visitors that he wants to impress. Oh look the part-time sups are supervising and not working--who is here?