Besides working nights,12 hour shifts and driving on snow and ice for 300-400 miles,anyone in here have regrets about making the move.Been thinking about doing it as my body is falling apart from pkg. car.Thanks
No regrets. Been doing it for 25 out of 29 yrs here. But, as has been posted here before, it's not for everybody.
You got family? Very hard on them if you're low on seniority. Will get afternoons, nights, all the crap pickup, shifting in the yard jobs that not too many people want. So, better talk to them first and see if you get support.
You got sleep issues? Very hard if you keep getting bounced around in feeder coverage for a while.
You got the package car "run" mentality? Lose it NOW! A fully loaded set of doubles or 48 or 53 footer can weigh 80,000 pounds. A package car, less then 26,000. Longer, slower to stop, slower to start.
You got body issues? OK, you may be better off in feeders if you settle these other matters. It is easier on your body, not necessarilly on your HEALTH, but on your body.
You scared of big city driving? You may get sent to some places you've never been before with equipment that you've never driven before.
As said before, it IS easier on you body.
Once you get used to the size and weight of the unit, it's just like driving your car. Now have air ride seats (used to have old Bostrom seats that had to be hand adjusted). Now have air ride cabs. Every seen an friend-model Mack? A Diamond T? A Peterbilt city cab? Roughest machinery (besides the CAT scraper I used to run) I've ever been in, BAR NONE!
Now have power steering. Used to be all manual. VERY hard to turn when the whole cab was on the front wheels!
Have outside exhaust stacks. Big deal? Yes, it is if you ever had to pre-trip a unit with a down-stack.
Now have power hook-ups. CB/AM-FM/CD with many drivers installing XM or Sirius.
If you think you can't drive a tractor or tractor and trailers, you will be given training. Just relax and ask questions, especially of other drivers.
I say, give it a try. It's been good to me, body-wise and financially.