Part time air drivers..



Has anyone heard of part time air drivers being forced to work Saturdays? A part timer in my center told me they must work Saturdays or lose thier job. He works at night Monday-Friday and for over 10 years.


I believe if you are a "call in" air driver. You must work when called upon. Too many refusals and they can go to the next person in the pecking order.


In our centers that is 99% of the time they work, is on Saturdays. Very few times besides that.



We have the early am drivers and pm air drivers. The part timers in the am and pm are being told that part of the new air contract states they must work on Saturday's now, or lose the job during the week.
Their employment prior to this was never hinged on them working Saturdays. It was always voluntary. We have (or had at one time) enough Saturday people to work Saturday and the am or pm drivers along with the full timers would fill any gaps.


Here there is one air exception route that starts around 3:45 Monday-Friday but everyone that does that also is forced to work Saturdays too sometimes. As of lately though there are a couple new air drivers so they are the ones usually forced to work. We have a guy hat is kind of like a cover driver for the air exception and would always work saturdays but now he doesn't have to because of the new guys below him. He just works Monday-Friday now.


Under no conditions can they take away your part time position with the condition of working sat.
Sat. air is a voluntary job that has no tie in with other work performed.
A sign up sheet is to be posted for 7-10 working days for "qualified" part-timer to sign up to run sat air.
Thus the company may hire from the outside to fill those position.
That being said, we move on to there still being positions that need to be filled on sat., the company has the right to request that part time air drivers do the work.
Now thats were in your question lies, if u refuse to work sat. u can be expunged from the air drivers list.... period.
They can not take away your part time job.
Its the same as Fri after Thanksgiving, its ur job to work that shift as an air driver, but does not tie into your main job.



Do you know of any changes in the new contract regarding this issue?

The BA went in to fight this but walked out saying they had to work on Saturdays.

Any info will be a great help, thanks.


THe train of thought is that IF you VOLUNTEERED to run as an air driver, in addition to your regular job, it was allways understood that you would be asked to work Saturdays. And if they cant get any one to volunteer, they can start at the bottom and MAKE those less senior work. If they dont, then they lose the position of airdriver. It has never been an issue here where we do not have much use for air drivers except on Saturdays.



Guest you are saying that if I was an air exception driver during the week and there is a "shortage" of Saturday Air Drivers and they ask me to fill in and I refuse then I could lose <u>ALL</u> Air Driving privileges even though I never bid on Saturday Air and never worked it before?


Here there is, if ever, a bid sheet for Saturday Air Driver. NEVER have I seen one for Air Exception. When I worked in a hub though they posted them seperately. Here it's like they are trying to tie one in with the other. Is this right? I'm just wondering out of curiosity.


Have to work Sat. to maintain your job as an air driver. Otherwise you are refusing work.
so Yes Local480 you lose all driving privlages for air when you will not work it.
If they are posting only a list for Sat. air driver you have even less of a case.
But the point that touched a nerve was trouble1903 said the person was told he could lose his regular parttime job, and nothing could be further from the truth, and can only be considered a ploy to "scare " an air driver into working on Sat.
The whole reason i became a steward and have studied the contract was when early am jobs first sprang up, the company told many lies about the positions that were created, thus scaring the exception air drivers away from them, wherein the Co. went to the street to hire. Now i sign every sheet that hits the board whether it pertains to me or not. You can always refuse the position later if you attain it, but cant get it later you didnt bid in the first place.
And yes company boys who read this, you can refuse the job after you bid it, had a female center mgr think i was going to move to her center after getting a bid there, told her no thanx and drove out the building.


If you don't want the job and still bid on it you are playing a game with the system at the expense of your union brothers. Anyone that really wanted the job is delayed and customer's service suffers from the chaos you are creating with your little bid sheet game. Get a clue brother, you are not so weak that you have to make a bid sheet into your own little power trip.


We dont have air exception drivers. Not sure what their job would be.



Yes i dont like it either when people sign a bid sheet for jobs that they KNOW they won't accept but I can understand them signing them for jobs they think they might want or don't have a clue what the job is that they are signing for...but then again....they could always ask what it is first. I used to sign the bid sheets then ask and if it didn't sound like something I wanted then I'd go mark my name off the list.