Well, I was a part-time preload sup from 86-95.
Out of curiosity, is that a normal length of time to remain part time? I support anyone wishing to go into mgmt, no hard feelings on my part. But one of the biggest issues I've always heard from the sups is the ability to go full-time, even after completing a degree.
Some eventually take a driver job, some quit, some just continue to hang in there hoping for the best. I can think of 3 that made it into full-time, but i'm sure it's higher than that. I know they were all there FOREVER before they made it in. It's one of the worst jobs out there too imo, taking crap from smartmouth kids who don't plan on staying at ups anyway, know the turnover rate is high enough to allow them to do almost whatever, and that the union will back them top of everything. As if that weren't enough, the sups have to put up with mgmt too. I saw one female sup reduced to tears right on the belt in front of everyone. She ended up quitting that day.
I've had mgmt tell me that if you plan on going into mgmt, the way to do it is go into driving for a couple years, THEN put in your letter of intent.