When we had more than one helper, it was not unusual for me to have 18 hours or more helper time, and get in within 8 or 9 hours.
They used to let us "train" the helpers and that helped out when the real peak hit. The helper knew the routine and was actually a help. Now they just want them to be runners, and that is not much help.
Double, I used to let one helper off with a two wheeler and 30 stops. They were all within two blocks and usually small packages, so we also used a tote box. When he got close to being done, he would call me.
While he was doing that, I and the two other helpers were delivering around the "core". Put off 390-430 stops a day with 600-700 pieces.
Always stopped at one of my business stops and dropped off what we delivered in the after noon so I had room to work. The first 50 stops were usually loaded in the cab.
Anyway, from what I understand, the national contract prohibits more than one helper on the car at a time now.