Pick off. (Possible write up) On topic.


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I’m curious because I believe that the supervisors there are trying to get an excuse to write me up for quote not being safe because over the years I’ve given them a reason to dislike me. I really needing to know because I’m truly am trying to be safe but but there are times when there are loaders who go slow as all get out or we just don’t have enough and even times we are just simply busy that it just can’t be helped what happens and even other
instances that once again just can’t be helped. What should I do please help me please.

They just fired three people in my building for exactly that. I think they are going to fire you or try to. I would bring a recorder in to work to CYA. Let them know you will be recording everything from now on. That's the only way you will be safe. If they tell you that you can't...sneak one in.
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RolloTony Brown Town

Well-Known Member
I was wondering what all can I get wrote up for while picking off (sorting packages into trailers) on my belt? Need honest answers please thanks.

You start so many threads asking the same damn questions...

I hope they write you up. I want to write you up and I don’t even know you. But truly I wish you just forgot your login info so I wouldn’t have to read another thread about the same topic.