Gman, you are singing the same song I am. I signed mine for 12 sporh. Although I never did 12 an hr on my rides. And I was scratch, with 72 stops and 20 pick ups for 8 hrs( actually 7.80 OR time). No one says much to me either, but now if I am under an hour I know I am really scratch. I also had my now mgr ride with me when he was a sup, found nothing wrong with my methods, and I was .13 over with 70 stops and 20 pu's. Now 102 is under?????? A swing driver ran my route one day with 118, and was under???????? Of course although I do not have deep training in time study, I believe the size of the pkg car is figured in. An 800 to 1000 may decrease sort time, but increases walking time??? And the way the routes have been butchered, I dont believe it to be the same. But some time study guy would have to figure that. I just keep my signed paper handy, and when I run 14 sporh, and I am 1.5 hrs late, I just say HMMMMM how could that be, and we know all are being pressured but in my heart I know I did my best, thats all we can do.
So my question would be how do you file on that? They will show on paper that they only gave you an 8.3 it just took you 9.8 to do it. We dont have access to last years records, they are probaly buried with the deep sea scrolls.
(Message edited by toonertoo on July 06, 2005)