Police Brutality & Executions

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
Maybe you haven't been spit on, pelted with garbage disrespected, called every obscene name you can think off, had people come to your neighborhood(home) with bullhorns and threaten your family. Try walking in another mans shoes.
I have lots of stories from my own family members were they have gone way beyond there job to help people and on the next call to be spit on. Look at the Houston Swat team member carrying the mother and child to safety I didn't see any Antifa people doing the same.


Inordinately Right
Maybe you haven't been spit on, pelted with garbage disrespected, called every obscene name you can think off, had people come to your neighborhood(home) with bullhorns and threaten your family. Try walking in another mans shoes.
I have lots of stories from my own family members were they have gone way beyond there job to help people and on the next call to be spit on. Look at the Houston Swat team member carrying the mother and child to safety I didn't see any Antifa people doing the same.
Are you saying that stuff is what causes the anger issues like we see in the video?

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
Baiting me are you ? The same way that ah is baiting the cop. I would say that a high percentage of police practice enormous self restraint. I on the other hand have no objection to that guy getting a night stick to the face ,but that is maybe why I am not a cop.

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"


Inordinately Right
Baiting me are you ? The same way that ah is baiting the cop. I would say that a high percentage of police practice enormous self restraint. I on the other hand have no objection to that guy getting a night stick to the face ,but that is maybe why I am not a cop.
Maybe he shouldn't be a cop either if he can't control himself.
I'd say the vast majority practice enormous self restraint.
It's a shame guys like that give the rest a bad name, and it's a shame people cheer them on from the sidelines. Pathetic.


Well-Known Member
i know someone who was a victim of police brutality: instead of just pulling him over, they rammed the car all over and shot it up with rubber bullets and threw flash bangs in it. it was a 50,000 car or so. could have spent that money differently like on homeless or minimum wage workers. but nope, they were too busy being cops abusing their power.

alot of things cops do are good. and they do alot of bad things too.