
BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
He is the dispatcher


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
It's not always an attack but I do agree with you that a few people pile on unnecessarily.

At the same time you can't have thin skin on here.

I am praying for an attack, sometimes we can be too civilized in our culture of wishy washy people. Way too many followers and not enough leaders, get the facts, state them and start the debate. That being said never expect to be popular or liked.


Well-Known Member
It's not always an attack but I do agree with you that a few people pile on unnecessarily.

At the same time you can't have thin skin on here.
I’ll just stick with the Harley Davidson forum, much happier and nicer people there. Some of you need to get away from work, this forum isn’t helping any of you do that. Byeeeee
Really, THIS is what you guys should be looking for. The guys praying, cheerleading, and hoping for a strike IMO, aren't thinking it through. (Seriously, some of you sound idiotic).
We PAY those negotiators a boatload of money to do their job. Let's allow them to do it before we want a strike. Remember, if we strike:

The negotiators continue to get paid.
UPS management continues to get paid.
Teamster management continues to get paid.

It's only us that won't get paid, because THEY couldn't get the job done.

Now I voted to authorize a strike. If the negotiators really come to an impasse, I'm walking. I'm old, my house is paid off, I have no mortgage, and I have plenty of money in the bank. I could be out a long time with no worries.
But some of you young guys will be in some deep doo doo. Say we're out 3 months, that's a lot of bills piling up, and you low seniority people may not be called back for even longer. I suspect that if a strike went long, everyone would be called back for Peak, but big time layoffs after.

Just something to think about. Hope instead that those negotiators will come out with a fantastic contract for us!
If we are out 3 month, kiss UPS and the country good bye!


Well-Known Member
I’ll just stick with the Harley Davidson forum, much happier and nicer people there. Some of you need to get away from work, this forum isn’t helping any of you do that. Byeeeee
Come on, don’t go pouting. I’ve been called mgmt, a scab, bipolar, and even upstate. Those people have had few experiences at ups. They have only worked in their little box, and some still have the union wipe their asses.


Well-Known Member
Say we're out 3 months, that's a lot of bills piling up, and you low seniority people may not be called back for even longer. I suspect that if a strike went long, everyone would be called back for Peak, but big time layoffs after.

Just something to think about. Hope instead that those negotiators will come out with a fantastic contract for us!

you speak the truth. i believe there are too many teamsters who want people to support a strike without knowing there could be consequences, just like the ones you pointed out. Im not saying we shouldn't strike, but we should be honest to our fellow teamsters on what the consequences could be if we do.