President Trump


Engorged Member
The media made this a political event and will continue to do so. No one is interested in making a change they're interested in pointing fingers and bitching and moaning.

I find your childlike optimism that we're going to get it together both naive and amusing.

Milk and cookies time kid, put your pj's on and go to bed.

Igor, Igor, Igor. Be a good Russian troll and stop repeating yourself. Once in awhile, you need something new, or else everyone will ignore your rants.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
I am more of a Libertarian than anything. Like Republicans, we want limited government. Unfortunately the RINOS today are the same as the Dems which is why we need term limits. Pelosi amd McConnel need to hit the road.
You have a very responsible job, keeping people quiet while others are trying to read. Nothing to be ashamed of.


Never mind.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Executive order is not a free market dip:censored2:.:happy2:
You just don't get it do you?

I'd rather not pay $10 for my next tomato or apple! But hey, I have a teenager who'd love to be paid $20 an hour to pick apples!
Geez ... a couple of dumbf:censored2:ks disagreeing with themselves just so they can disagree with me.
Knock yourself out!
I didn't realize I had that power over you.
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Well-Known Member
I love President Trump and how he shats all over Twitter like a rebellious teen. He says exactly what I would say if I was President which is terrifying and comforting all at once. Wasnt it funny how up in arms people got when he called those shathole countries, shatholes? Everybody knows its true but tried to act offended until they realized most of the countries dont have running water, :censored2: in the streets, and have no AC. The fascination with shatholers coming to America and attempting to shatholify it is baffling to me. You came here because you hated your own living conditions and wanted to experience the Near Paradise civilization we had created and now you want me to be ashamed of myself cause I'm huwhite? Naw dawg. You can suck it.