My center hired 15 "seasonal preloaders" we will all go ft/pt September 1st. At this point there is not any body ahead of us on the list to become a ft driver due to so many retirements, none of the preloaders wanting to be a driver and license/age issues. So my question is; how will it be determined who out of the seasonal that go ft/pt have seniority?
Three guys and myself started unload at the same time. They were under the impression we were similar in employment for seniority. I already had 43 days in twilight sort. One guy was upset because he thought he had seniority over me by 3 days.

With so many people having quit, and if these 7 or 8 people are gonna stay, I'm very happy I'll get dibs on stuff before them. They are still not good workers I don't understand it.