Punished for getting hurt......


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry to hear about your getting hurt and myself aggravated for the fact mgmt at my hub does the same B.S. But I learned from my steward anytime I'm injured no matter what it is really to file a accident report and don't take the safety team "doctor's" word for it. I hurt my back a few months ago and had it out with the safety sup about my filing a accident report. Just file them to cover your own *** because it could come back to get you someday. And the company will pretend like it didn't happen.


Okay, calling in would have been the right thing to do, as was said to CYA. But if we are getting the right details about his pain, then I could see where it would change from muscle pain to something worse as time goes on. He did say he had "left", perhaps after his shift? Called his sup when he did experience the intense pain and saw a doctor. What else could have been done?

I had sore muscles during peak that I didn't even know I had. I also had an incident where I nearly passed out. It was reported, because a co-worker found me about to pass out on the floor. Come to find out from the doctor there was nothing I could have done to prevent it - I was eating food, drinking water and other fluids, resting when off work and following all safe work methods- my heart rate had gone to low! I did go to doctor and came back with my paperwork and I called in. So I guess I am just bitter and needed to vent. What can I say.

Okay, now that the venting is done, I will be quiet. Heh.

If you have any sort of heart issue, stop what you're doing and go see a Dr. You may have issues you don't know about. Get a clearance from the Dr. before you continue work. Don't kill yourself, it ain't worth it!


I'm sorry to hear about your getting hurt and myself aggravated for the fact mgmt at my hub does the same B.S. But I learned from my steward anytime I'm injured no matter what it is really to file a accident report and don't take the safety team "doctor's" word for it. I hurt my back a few months ago and had it out with the safety sup about my filing a accident report. Just file them to cover your own *** because it could come back to get you someday. And the company will pretend like it didn't happen.

What management does here is coax injured employees into NOT filing.

They have all these kids that have no idea what is going on in their back pockets.
(1)They are hurt, are go home not reporting it.
(2)They then goto work the next day and weeks, and stand by a supervisor. The supervisor "demos" for 4 hours while the employee stands there

This is what they do in the hub here. It is a complete sham and is the most convienent and practical way to prevent reports and DART injuries.

A sham for the supervisor who has to work all the hours - a sham to the injured person who now has no recourse incase they don't fully recover - and a sham to the union as it's a sup working the can't grieve. :whiteflag:


If you have any sort of heart issue, stop what you're doing and go see a Dr. You may have issues you don't know about. Get a clearance from the Dr. before you continue work. Don't kill yourself, it ain't worth it!

Oh I did, and my doctor did treat me medically and released me to go back to work. I did keep my supervisor advised each step of the way and provided the required documentation. I was just whining about the fairness of the situation is all.



Firstly, always book out of work at least 1 hour before your shift if you will be out.
Secondly, if you are hurt in any way on the job, tell a supervisor. Even if it's breaking a nail or a paper cut. I am being serious. No one cares about you except you at UPS. The only time and people they show care for are those that break their backs making their numbers, and it's only the fake concern to keep them interested.

Take care of yourself and CYOA!!! Be a pain in their ass and tell them every little thing wrong with you. Think of all the times you're forced to work unsafely and all of the violations you see daily the next time you have a sore back, neck, or whatever it is that may not seem so serious at the time....