Ready to Strike?


Well-Known Member
Let me put to this way

My wife does not work at UPS but she has a part-time job

She does not want to work full time but they offered her probably about a 35% raise if she went from part-time to full-time
She still did not take the job because she does not want the hours
Right, as I said, as it is...not as it should be, and not how it has to be. Don't you think your wife deserves to make the same rate as the full timer for the time she is there? Wouldn't you want her to?

Perhaps she would, if we started and others followed suit?
Right, as I said, as it is...not as it should be, and not how it has to be. Don't you think your wife deserves to make the same rate as the full timer for the time she is there? Wouldn't you want her to?

Perhaps she would, if we started and others followed suit?
Of course everyone wants to make more money but she realizes the position she has this is what she gets paid for, when she wants to make more she could take a higher position


Well-Known Member
Of course everyone wants to make more money but she realizes the position she has this is what she gets paid for, when she wants to make more she could take a higher position
I get where you're coming from, we were all born into it at this point. Our whole lives, working part time has meant 25% the pay for 50% of the work. All I'm saying is, just because that's how it's been, doesn't mean it's right and how it should be or could be.

Just can't understand why you, or anyone besides corporate execs, would fight against that.
I get where you're coming from, we were all born into it at this point. Our whole lives, working part time has meant 25% the pay for 50% of the work. All I'm saying is, just because that's how it's been, doesn't mean it's right and how it should be or could be.

Just can't understand why you, or anyone besides corporate execs, would fight against that.
Nobody gets it

If you want to go work for it if you want to work part-time this is what you get started with that's it


Inordinately Right
The discount should be the lack of hours, not a lack of hours and at a cut rate.

It makes no sense to me that someone can do the same job, on the same 4 hour shift, at half the rate simply because they are only working one 4 hour shift, while the other works that 4 hour shift, and the next one. Especially so when the part timer double shifts.
Okay, we're in agreement then.
Let's fight to eliminate part time positions.
Seriously dude how many maxi pads. do you.wear?

I never seen a bigger vagina in my life
Wow. I get attacked even when I agree with you. Equal pay for equal work. I get paid the same as the FT car washers I work with. Except for the 22.3 car washer. I get paid top driver rate when I deliver or pick up any ground packages. How can any Union member disagree with me?


Well-Known Member
Wow. I get attacked even when I agree with you. Equal pay for equal work. I get paid the same as the FT car washers I work with. Except for the 22.3 car washer. I get paid top driver rate when I deliver or pick up any ground packages. How can any Union member disagree with me?
Your rate of pay is not the issue. You’re filling a full-time spot, including the pension that comes with it is the issue.
Your rate of pay is not the issue. You’re filling a full-time spot, including the pension that comes with it is the issue.
I agree with you. Eliminate all PT Union positions. Make them all FT with the same hourly rate as all of the other FT positions. PT Union jobs may have made sense 50 years ago but now everyone is working FT hours and should be compensated equally.

The Brown Shadow

Active Member
Good sign for the UPS contract... if Washington is worried about a rail stoppage causing havoc on our economy what are the chances of a (massive) UPS work stoppage in 2023, and the ensuing walkouts and support from every collective bargaining Unions in America and beyond.
It took UPS 5-6 years to recover from first strike. Striking in an unstable economy can have disasterous effects. I will vote yes though. IMO the only important issues beyond status quo is 22.4s need to be fixed and increased starting wages for PTs--at least $19/hr ($21 is better though) with all workers under that moved to it as well.

The Brown Shadow

Active Member
Why eliminate PT? It is the right job for many people and it helps UPS to have a flexible work force. There are many people trying to work as little hours as possible because they are just here for the benefits.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
It took UPS 5-6 years to recover from first strike. Striking in an unstable economy can have disasterous effects. I will vote yes though. IMO the only important issues beyond status quo is 22.4s need to be fixed and increased starting wages for PTs--at least $19/hr ($21 is better though) with all workers under that moved to it as well.

It was the Company’s decision in “97” To call a strike.. it was all on them in their futile attempt to take over everybody’s pension trusts.

They lost that volume on their own.

Then tried to get out if their commitment to create the 22.3’s by claiming lost volume. Thank God the arbitrator saw through the ruse.

There will always be a reason for us not to strike...if we do in 2023 it will be the Company’s doing not ours.

We been eating crumbs for so long that some of our members will jump on anything to appease. Been trained on that “path of least resistance “ for far too long.


Well-Known Member
It took UPS 5-6 years to recover from first strike. Striking in an unstable economy can have disasterous effects. I will vote yes though. IMO the only important issues beyond status quo is 22.4s need to be fixed and increased starting wages for PTs--at least $19/hr ($21 is better though) with all workers under that moved to it as well.
Voting yes without even knowing what your voting on? Seriously, management can’t hide in the brown shadows any better than this? Pay up or walking august 1. The state of UPS and a strike will be on UPS, not us.