Republicans & Democrats

But maybe that's for the best. I think Kansas has been getting its budget done every year!
Our school districts are getting killed. They are borrowing money to pay the bills, because the state won't release the money they should get.

That just means higher property taxes for me and everyone else.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself


nowhere special
I hate to ruin your parade. Its obvious you went through extra effort to make this post. but most conservatives probably don't like Mitch.

Its also a misquote repeated from a liberal site. He did mention the NRA but that wasn't all he said.

Of course liberals are so afraid of the NRA name they can't grasp the reality that is the power of its millions of supporters (who are all individuals with minds of their own). Demonizing the NRA is just playing to their liberal base. As usual.

How about Bloomberg or Soros if you want real demons.


Its also a misquote repeated from a liberal site. He did mention the NRA but that wasn't all he said.

Of course liberals are so afraid of the NRA name they can't grasp the reality that is the power of its millions of supporters (who are all individuals with minds of their own). Demonizing the NRA is just playing to their liberal base. As usual.

How about Bloomberg or Soros if you want real demons.
Here's the exact quote:

McConnell on the Supreme Court nominee: “Who ought to make the decision, a lame-duck president on the way out the door, or the president we're in the process of electing right now? What is the tradition? It's been 80 years, 80, since a vacancy created in a presidential election year was filled…. I can't imagine that a Republican majority Congress in a lame-duck session, after the American people have spoken, would want to confirm a nominee opposed by the NRA, the NFIB, and "The New York Times" says would move the court dramatically to the left….This - this nomination ought to be made by the next president. [BASH] So, just to - just to put a button on this, are you ruling it out 100 percent? [MCCONNELL] Yes"

He definitely said that. Never mind the distortions that preceded his exact statement.


Can't stop corporate welfare or they will move the jobs across the border.
I'm not talking about corporate subsidies. You asserted that "food stamps is welfare". Ignoring the grammar, that is false. There are many other forms, Medicaid is one, unemployment insurance is another, there are dozens.

Go back to fluff, you contribute nothing here, or maybe that's your intent, TROLL.


nowhere special
Here's the exact quote:

McConnell on the Supreme Court nominee: “Who ought to make the decision, a lame-duck president on the way out the door, or the president we're in the process of electing right now? What is the tradition? It's been 80 years, 80, since a vacancy created in a presidential election year was filled…. I can't imagine that a Republican majority Congress in a lame-duck session, after the American people have spoken, would want to confirm a nominee opposed by the NRA, the NFIB, and "The New York Times" says would move the court dramatically to the left….This - this nomination ought to be made by the next president. [BASH] So, just to - just to put a button on this, are you ruling it out 100 percent? [MCCONNELL] Yes"

He definitely said that. Never mind the distortions that preceded his exact statement.

That was a portion of what he said. As I already stated. And your quote did show he said more. As I already stated. No distortions preceding it other than in your own mind.

Not that it matters anyway. McConnell is a non entity now.


Its also a misquote repeated from a liberal site. He did mention the NRA but that wasn't all he said.
That is not a misquote. It is an exact quote that carries the exact meaning of what he said. Of course he rambled on before and after, that's what Senator's do. But in no way was that a misquote.

I'm not talking about corporate subsidies. You asserted that "food stamps is welfare". Ignoring the grammar, that is false. There are many other forms, Medicaid is one, unemployment insurance is another, there are dozens.

Go back to fluff, you contribute nothing here, or maybe that's your intent, TROLL.
Well excuse you. Last time I checked my paystub,I had unemployment insurance and Medicare deductions taken out.

You quoted me. Now you got my response.

Have a nice day.


nowhere special
That is not a misquote. It is an exact quote that carries the exact meaning of what he said. Of course he rambled on before and after, that's what Senator's do. But in no way was that a misquote.


A partial quote taken out of context is a misquote.

Of course you can't see that since it is normal behavior for the liberal media you are a slave to.

verb misrepresent, twist, distort, pervert, muddle, mangle, falsify, garble, misreport, misstate, quote or take out of context His letter was misquoted.