Republicans & Democrats


there is little difference between both rotten parties:

Shaun King‏Verified account @shaunking 1h1 hour ago

Shaun King Retweeted The Hill

It's wild that in the wake of George W. Bush working around the clock to get Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court that Michelle Obama is doing non-stop PR on how much she loves him.

Shaun King added,


The HillVerified account @thehill
Michelle Obama discusses her friendship with George W. Bush in new interview manager/c8kqx8W
148 replies 190 retweets 793 likes


bush killed more vets in his wars for oil than the terrorists did on 9/11:

Max Blumenthal‏Verified account @MaxBlumenthal 23h23 hours ago

Max Blumenthal Retweeted National Constitution Center

Destroying large swaths of the planet on false pretenses is very rewarding. Sponsoring tickets cost as much as $50,000 and start at $1000.

Max Blumenthal added,


National Constitution CenterVerified account @ConstitutionCtr
BREAKING: Former VP @joebiden will present this year’s #LibertyMedal award to former President George W. Bush and former First Lady @laurawbush for their commitment to veterans.…
39 replies 254 retweets 474 likes


i remember watching a segment where they put a bunch of sophistos who insist on only drinking expensive vodka to test and get them to drink a variety of vodkas and they cant tell which one is more expensive.

reminds me of politics where people will support a politician based mostly on what party they are part of.

the republican party went further right when bill clinton pushed the democrats right. and yet people stick with the brand


omg. the 2 corrupt scum bag faux liberals hillary clinton and bill clinton are coming on tour in my city. you can pay to be lied to for a few hours starting from $100 all the way to a whopping $900.

its as if the clintons havent made enough money as it was taking legalized and illegal bribes from the rich.

maybe hillary should stick to giving speeches to her donor class which is wall street.

hillary clintons rigging of the election left us with donny boy trump who is debatably worse, but certainly also awful.

this capitalist / government rigged system produces results where the worst products and people are promoted to the top, and the good ones are marginalized.

hillary clinton and bill clinton: stay in america and proceed to the nearest jail!

turn yourself in; rickyb does not want you!


Well-Known Member
The stock market is telling you a different story and is approaching bear market territory. The impact of the tax cuts is wearing off and the impact of Trump's trade tariff war is starting to be felt Growth in the GDP has fallen from 4.1% annualized in the second quarter after a 0.9% in the first quarter to 3.5% annualized in Q3 and thanks to the trade war agricultural commodity prices are down some as much as 40%. In addition Trump promises new tariffs on 271 billion in Chinese imports if he doesn't get his own way with the Chinese. In country with one party rule and a president for life let's see how far he gets.


Yeah, it's always the Nazi causing the divisive atmosphere in our nation. SMH

Intolerant bigot.
i have no idea what your saying, but the divide and conquer is obviously from the rich which includes establishment media.

hate crimes are up because the economy and political system is relatively busted


Well-Known Member
i have no idea what your saying, but the divide and conquer is obviously from the rich which includes establishment media.

hate crimes are up because the economy and political system is relatively busted
The problem isn't from the rich, it's from the want to be rich, who are frustrated in their efforts by the reality of today's economy. Venting their anger is what's breaking the country down.